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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. renderTileEntityFast(TileEntity te, double x, double y, double z, float partialTicks, int destroyStage, VertexBuffer VertexBuffer) Is the TE for this TESR. So do the same if check.
  2. You register your TESR with GameRegistry.registerTileEntitySpecialRenderer(...) in your client proxy.
  3. That is because your Laser is a particle and ResourceUtil.renderLaser is called by ParticleLaser.renderParticle, which has access to rendering.
  4. No....Are we looking at the same code? You need a new class that extends FastTESR. This will render the lasers and dragon FX. The TEs update does not have access to rendering code, meaning you cant render from there.
  5. Where is your FastTESR? and you are still calling renderFX() https://github.com/LambdaXV/PlentifulUtilities/blob/master/src/main/java/com/lambda/plentifulutilities/block/tile/TileEntityRestorer.java#L59
  6. Update your github and if you wouldn't mind telling me which classes I should look at or a base directory.
  7. lookForStruct() == 4 Is a boolean, and you even called it a boolean lol.
  8. The same way as you did for the normal TESR except render your FX only when the boolean is true.
  9. You can do that with a FastTESR as far as I know, I believe I have done it before.
  10. That won't work, the update method in TEs don't have access to rendering. You will need to use a FastTESR.
  11. int xCoord = (getPos().getX() >> 4) + 1; int zCoord = (getPos().getZ() >> 4) + 1; worldObj.getChunkFromChunkCoords(xCoord, zCoord); This will get a chunk that is offset by one in the x and z (chunk)position.
  12. Where are you calling it from?
  13. Not quite adding 16, it is a bit shift. Tou are doing more processes the way you are doing it.
  14. Why are you using World#getChunkFromChunkCoords and then to get the chunk coords you get the chunk from the block coords... Just use World#getChunkFromBlockCoords(BlockPos).
  15. That is because you are printing the count after setting it to 0...
  16. public void update() { structureCheck(); } public int structureCheck() { int structureCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { structureCount++; } return structureCount; } What is the value of structureCheck every time it is called?
  17. Think Local not global.
  18. Check if one doesn't exist rather than if they all exist.
  19. SaveScanMessage line 59
  20. And the error says?
  21. I want to say this imposes the limit. NBTSizeTracker(200097152L))
  22. Instead of new Slot do new SlotItemHandler
  23. Show the code where you do that.
  24. ...Obviously it is being called because it is erroring on line 25. And try removing any calls to send the packet. Make sure that you check if you are sending the correct packet. Does ModelTogglePacket extend PacketSyncData?
  25. To do what Choonster said you cant use a world Capability. Instead use just the events he suggested. Mainly the ChunkDataEvent ones. They will allow you to save specifically to a chunk. Through the usage of the ChunkDataEvent.Load/Save#getData which returns an NBTTagCompound. I didn't know these events existed and glossed over the ChunkDataEvent in Choonsters post. You can use a World capability to store the Map at runtime, it just won't save the data to NBT itself; that will be handled with ChunkDataEvent.Load / Save . Then what is the point of having the capability? You could just store it in the event then access the event through the instance of your mod.
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