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Forge Modder
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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. Is the mod even loading?
  2. You have printlns are they printing?
  3. Not registered, but instantiated/created.
  4. The digDown method posted works for me, is it being called? Is your TE being loaded? *Edit: make sure to save your blockToDestroy as well.
  5. They are localized in/from the lang files.
  6. Could you show your TileEntityBase and IEnergyDisplay?
  7. Where are you calling it from?
  8. Please don't just throw copy-pasta code at people who don't even know what a variable is... This helps nobody. I didn't mean for it to be copy pasta code I will modify that right now.
  9. public class TE extends TileEntity { public BlockPos position; // Global variable public void doesNothing() { BlockPos position; // Local variable } }
  10. Could you post the updated rendering code?
  11. How fast is the process?
  12. Does it work? If not I suggest changing icontainerlistener.sendProgressBarUpdate(this, 2, this.tileTestFurnace.getField(0)); // To this icontainerlistener.sendProgressBarUpdate(this, 0, this.tileTestFurnace.getField(0)); // Or this icontainerlistener.sendProgressBarUpdate(this, 2, this.tileTestFurnace.getField(2)); Do you see the difference?
  13. That is the problem, dont use ITileEntityProvider, just override the method signature I gave you.
  14. How is this not throwing an error at you? public TileEntity createNewTileEntity(World worldIn, int meta) { It should be public TileEntity createNewTileEntity(World worldIn, IBlockState state) {
  15. Probably because password distribution is easier than accessing the file and adding the information. I think you need to be more specific on the data you want to check. In my situation, it's extra authorization data input by user. I do know online-mode, whitelist, authme plugins, but I still need another password-like thing for a special server. It is asked when minecraft started by popping up a input box, and I want to verify it before player joined server. It would have to be a server and client mod. You will need a custom gui and custom packet.
  16. Crashes because some graphics cards dont support them, that is all.
  17. This one http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php?topic=43939.msg235743#msg235743
  18. I believe you are initializing your items before your blocks, so you are passing a null block to your item.
  19. The best way to learn how to mod is to learn Java first. This way you will know the conventions and efficiency/performance. Then follow the tutorials that exist to understand what they are doing. The next thing is play around with code(I assume you know how to make a basic Item/Block), you should mess around with certain methods and variables to see what they do, or look in the source provided for what they do. Last thing if you run into any problems or questions in general come here.
  20. I think you need to be more specific on the data you want to check.
  21. What he gave you details how to do it, there is a tutorial that lays out what you need in code if you want to look at it. Make sure that you go back and learn what everything does though. http://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/forge-tutorial-capability-system/
  22. AttachCapabilityEvent<?> Where '?' is the thing you are attaching it too. Entity, ItemStack, TileEntity, World.
  23. Find where the assets is in the minecraft directory and put it there in your mod. Where you put your modid use minecraft.
  24. Is it player specific?
  25. Are you changing it based on something in the code?
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