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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. This part BlockFurnace.setState(this.isBurning(), this.world, this.pos); Switches the block on of off depending on if the furnace is smelting anything.
  2. You will have to render it yourself from what I know, you will either need to create a custom OBJ loader and renderer, or use a OBJ loader and create a custom renderer for it.
  3. Post your code. What? What I think he is saying is that his furnace is not smelting correctly and that his furnace changes to the vanilla one.
  4. Look at your thread I posted a response there.
  5. "elements": [ { "__comment": "Main", "from": [ 0, 0, 1 ], "to": [ 16, 16, 16 ], "shade": true, "faces": { "down": { "uv": [ 0, 1, 16, 16 ], "texture": "#flux_machines_rest", "tintindex": 1, "cullface": "down" }, "up": { "uv": [ 0, 1, 16, 16 ], "texture": "#flux_machines_rest", "tintindex": 1, "cullface": "up" }, "north": { "uv": [ 0, 0, 16, 16 ], "texture": "#flux_grinder_front", "tintindex": 1 }, "south": { "uv": [ 0, 0, 16, 16 ], "texture": "#flux_machines_rest", "tintindex": 1, "cullface": "south" }, "west": { "uv": [ 1, 0, 16, 16 ], "texture": "#flux_machines_rest", "tintindex": 1, "cullface": "west" }, "east": { "uv": [ 1, 0, 16, 16 ], "texture": "#flux_machines_rest", "tintindex": 1, "cullface": "east" } } }] This is an excerpt from one of my JSON models.
  6. If you are talking block/item model yes.
  7. Now what do you mean by in?
  8. What do you mean by 3D model in the furnace?
  9. There are two ways. You can assign your own ID to each slot and handle the implementation your self or add internal methods that only your TE will use in a custom IItemHandlerModifiable.
  10. Oops I see that your hasCapability always returns true when they are looking for a IItemHandler one. You need to make the same checks and return false.
  11. return super.getCapability(capability, facing);
  12. You cannot return null.
  13. @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public boolean hasEffect(ItemStack stack) { return true; }
  14. EntityItem#getEntityItem().getCount();
  15. Post your code.
  16. Look at the teleport command, you will need to do what it does to move the player.
  17. if (entityLiving instanceof EntityPlayer) { ((EntityPlayer) entityLiving).inventory.addItemStackToInventory(new ItemStack(...); }
  18. Do you know the definition of the word move? Look at the method you are using.
  19. Two things 1.7.10 is not supported on this forum, and you posted it in the wrong place anyways, you should have posted it is Support and Bugs
  20. Mojang has enforced all lowercase file names. The methods signature has changed these are the new ones. public boolean onBlockActivated(World worldIn, BlockPos pos, IBlockState state, EntityPlayer playerIn, EnumHand hand, EnumFacing facing, float hitX, float hitY, float hitZ){} public void onBlockPlacedBy(World worldIn, BlockPos pos, IBlockState state, EntityLivingBase placer, ItemStack stack){} public void getSubBlocks(Item itemIn, CreativeTabs tab, NonNullList<ItemStack> list){} public void onNeighborChange(IBlockAccess world, BlockPos pos, BlockPos neighbor){}
  21. No I do not, you will also need to create custom models that render over the arms. And you may not have to create a new RenderLayer and add that to the player, my mistake if so.
  22. You need to use the "gradlew build" command instead of the IntelliJ gradle build.
  23. Post the crash.
  24. The idea behind the mod is for YouTuber's to nickname themselves on servers (when they are on alts) so they can record without targeting. So I have a question, what will happen if I run this on a server whilst I am playing on a server? I doubt that it will change my display name on the server. This is why I wish to avoid this method and just be shown to a Collection or something where the playerlist is stored. If the mod is on the server and you run the command it will indeed change your name. But if it is not on the server and you have it and run it, it will not change your name to others, why? Because other players do not have the information. This may be done only server side, but i do not know if that would work.
  25. "parent": "modid:block/fast_cooker"
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