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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. Now ive spelled it correctly, but its still not working Console log.
  2. I think you will need to switch over to using an int for loop ie for (int x = -1; x < 1; x++) { for (int y = -1; y < 1; y++) { for (int z = -1; z < 1; z++) { } } }
  3. It wants either your modid, or your mods @Instance field for modObject. It wants a mod specific ID for your GUI/Container. Then it wants either the block coords or the player coords or the entity coords where this is opening from.
  4. You should not have been using that in the first place. Create your on implementation of IGuiHandler and register it with NetworkRegistry. Then you call player.openGui(...)
  5. You will have to recreate that functionality your self just add the getName and hasCustomName and setName methods to your TE and implement them how you would normally in the Block class and GUI.
  6. Yes you will have to check for the players movement keys and then send the data to your entity via a packet.
  7. Try disabling the lightning instead of enabling it. And you take into account somethings before using a TESR. Is it supposed to be rendered dynamically? Can it be made using JSONs, can it be made using OBJ models, can you make it using IBakedModels? If it cannot and is not fulling dynamic you need to find a way to render it not every frame, but only when it needs to be rendered.
  8. Ok, in preInit load your config into static variables ie public static boolean doesStuff; public void preInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent event) { Configuration config = new Configuration(event.getSuggestedConfigurationFile()); doesStuff = config.get(name, category, defaultValue, comment); } Then in your Gui#actionPerformed(GuiButton) change doesStuff to what you want to.
  9. And how can I put it into the button? It only works when it is in the preInit. doesStuff = config.get(name, category, false, "").getBoolean(); Loads a boolean called doesStuff into code. Then I can change that boolean and it will change in the file. In case of a button you use Gui#actionPerformed(GuiButton). Check if the button is the button you want then change the boolean called doesStuff in this example.
  10. Where do you set it? And where do you call your methods that change the amount of mana.
  11. You have a EntityLivingBase field in your capability right? Is that not supposed to be the player? If not you need some way to set the player in the capability.
  12. SimpleNetworkWrapper#sendTo(new Message(), player);
  13. Check to see if your toBytes and fromBytes are being called. Nevermind I now see the problem you are sending it to the server and not the client.
  14. Try Minecraft.getMinecraft().theWorld instead of Minecraft.getMinecraft().
  15. Does it ever get passed this if statement? if(Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer.hasCapability(CapabilityMagic.MANA, null)) { And if so what side is not updating it will say this if you add a string to your println.
  16. "Forgeworkspace"\run\options.txt is where you need to put it. But the one you need to copy is under .minecraft\options.txt
  17. I'm trying to sync a cap between the client and server, however, I'm having a bit of a hard time doing so Show where you send the packet the whole method(s) and your packet and handler.
  18. Draw ItemStack is indeed called after drawContainerForeground, but drawSlots is called before drawContainerForeground so all you need to do is change the zLevel field in your gui before and then after you draw your texture/image aver the slots.
  19. Are you able to load normal Minecraft 1.11? And if so copy over your settings file to the workspace.
  20. Was this in the process of loading Minecraft or the world itself?
  21. Try something like this. int i = (this.width - this.xSize) / 2; int j = (this.height - this.ySize) / 2; this.drawTexturedModalRect(i, j, 0, 0, this.xSize, this.ySize);
  22. You also have to sync it when the player logs in.
  23. Yes. GL states aren't affected by push/pop matrix. The translation matrix only handles translation, rotation, and scale. Color, blending, light, culling, ztest, and so on are not covered by push/pop matrix. Awe, that is kinda disappointing, it would be so cool if it did, because then I wouldn't have to assume that "all" states are not what I want them to be. But i guess there are reasons.
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