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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. Instead of StatCollector use I18n.
  2. Two things, you just copied code from ItemDye for bonemeal code. Two why would EnumDyeColor enumdyecolor = EnumDyeColor.byDyeDamage(stack.getMetadata()); if (enumdyecolor == EnumDyeColor.WHITE) Ever return true if It is not A dye. Also we need the error. What is happening?
  3. registerRenders() should be called in preInit
  4. It is not that you are bad I just don't think you are thinking anymore, have you been working on this for a while, if so you should probably take a break. Minds can get fried really easily. But what you have there should work, if not post the exact problem.
  5. Didn't notice this "essentialelectricity" Should be "model". And "cadium_block" Should be "modid:cadium_block"
  6. Should be rather simple, it's having a problem loading "normal" in your blockstate json, when "normal" should be "inventory" which is what you specified.
  7. Google translate, though it is supposed to be in english. 发布您的代码。 "Post your code."
  8. In the original post he did. Though I didn't see when the edit took place.
  9. What do you mean, we need you to post the code you have.
  10. Yes that would work, but don't forget NBT :3 *Edit wow can't believe I just said that, I meant metadata.
  11. Wouldn't be that hard, all you would need is a block with a TE and the TE would need a List of either a List of ItemStacks or an array of ItemStacks. And a boolean to determine if it has been right clicked if you want it to choose at right click and not placed. Actually I would do it with a Map so you can set the key to the percentage.
  12. We do not provide code for people to copy and use. We provide information on how to do the things people ask, or correct code that has been made by giving suggestions.
  13. Forge is looking for "variants": { 'inventory": {} } Which is required in a blockstate JSON file. What do you mean "why do we have to specify the location of the itemblock model"?
  14. Don't use Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderItem().getItemModelMesher().register(item, i, location); At all. It should be new ModelResourceLocation("MODID:name", "inventory"); You do not need to register it with the variant.
  15. No you need those files, what I was saying was that part of the item model is not necessary and might be causing the error. The blockstate is pointing to "blocks/iron_block" which shouldn't exist. It should point to something like this for an Iron Block "iron_block" for one from your mod "modid:model_file_name".
  16. First thing I noticed (Blockstate) "variants": { "normal": { "model": "blocks/iron_block" } } "blocks/iron_block"? Second thing (Item Model) "display": { "thirdperson": { "rotation": [ 10, -45, 170 ], "translation": [ 0, 1.5, -2.75 ], "scale": [ 0.375, 0.375, 0.375 ] } } This is not needed.
  17. I would have preferred "It is showing the error texture." or something similar. The problem you had was that the block model wasn't a correct JSON it had errors. Like I said you were missing a ". What I meant by "block_model_name" was the name of your block model JSON. Also instead of Minecraft.getMinecratf.getItemModelMesher in registerRender you should use something like public void registerRender(Block block) { ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation(Item.getItemFromBlock(block), 0, new ModelResourceLocation(modid, getUnlocalizedName().substring(5), "normal")); }
  18. You need to make it's size slightly smaller than one block, but make the collision box bigger than the actual block itself. Look at BlockCactus it should have some AxisAlignedBB fields.
  19. First I never said copy "north": smth:blocks/duplicator_side", is missing a " and your item model should not be parent block/crafting_table it should be your modid:block_model_name. Also it's not working is not a good description of what is happening.
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