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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. if (!world.isRemote) { return true; } That is your problem you need to check if the world.isRemote then return. The wayyou have it it is only happpening on the clients side.
  2. From what I found, I don't think the server listens for block update packets, only distributes them. Would I need to make a custom packet and have the server listen and update accordingly for it? Yes you wouldnhave to make your own packet and send it from the client.
  3. Well after intercepting the change and all the parameters match up you can just send another packet back with the new data.
  4. Try creating a new workspace and copying your code over to there. Though I am not sure what part of the updating went wrong.
  5. In your container remove the final from the parameters in the method onSlotClicked
  6. The EntityThrowable.func_189661_a method (a.k.a registerFixesThrowable in newer mappings) does absolutely nothing. Adding a static method will also do absolutely nothing unless you call it from somewhere. Im pretty sure what he actually forgot was to call setHeading (not sure if that is the name, but i am close).
  7. Are you absolutely positive you are using forge 1.9.4.
  8. Is that directed at other users on this thread, or me? If it is directed towards me, what do you mean? Yes it is direcred at you, he means what doesnt work?
  9. It now takes a EntityEquipmentType...
  10. Yeah but make sure that when you call getEntitiesWithinAABB(...) pass EntityLivingBase.class not Entity, because anything lower in the hierarchy is not damageable like that.
  11. Not quite, you don't need to use iterator for a list at least if you are not removing anything. Instead a simple for loop would work. The one you have down there will not work mainly because you don't create a variable for the next iteration. Though if you ever need to use an iterator look at some vanilla examples one off the top of my head would be FurnaceRecipes#getSmeltingResult(...).
  12. Why don't you go back and look at what you may have copied this from. ItemSnowball to be more precise.
  13. Instead of modelMesher use ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation(...) in your preInit method.
  14. That is client side you can grab what there is client side and modify it, but since all data is saved and should be modified on the server. It will just be overriden by the server. Thus a packet is required.
  15. First EntityPlayerSP is not a variable you can use, you will need to send packets. This is a link to Diesieben07's tutorial on Packets. http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php?topic=20135.0
  16. Do you have access to a EntityPlayer variable? If so there is a thing called inventory in there.
  17. Any specific slot? Players hand? And input would be using a KeyHandler and possibly the KeyInputEvent
  18. Also you don't add your modid to the front of the name, for your ModelResourceLocation.
  19. It is most likely not a forge bug, it is most likely a Minecraft bug. Not sure if they will/can help.
  20. First instead of using the modelMesher you should use ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation(...) And post your model JSONs
  21. I doubt it is a bug because if you do round the players position, it would round down after being near the bottom. Just use pos.up () instead of pos. But use a print line to check if the code gets called with just one. Mainly because i dont know how onFallen works.
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