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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. Think about it logically and take a singular input furnace as a frame. Look to see how input is handled, then modify it to your liking.
  2. You will need to do this in your model file where the rendering actually happens or create multiple models and do it in renderTileEntityAt ()
  3. There are two the one that is deprecated and the one i said in my last post.
  4. I assume you have done RenderingRegistry.registerEntityRenderingHandler (EntityClass, IRenderFactory) Did you look though the bows JSON files?
  5. I suggest looking at the vanilla bow's code, JSONs, and EntityArrow. Learn what happens in those classes, and replicate them.
  6. No nowhere in there did I say that. You should look through BlockDoor and see what it does and replicate it for your needs. Don't copy paste code, unless it is yours. ItemDoor is not durectly linked with BlockDoor it is just a way to place it in game.
  7. Add "inventory": {"model": "modid:modelName"} to your blockstate file.
  8. Not for 1.10, and i doubt it for 1.9. Best thing I know of would be to look at vanilla's.
  9. You should just use metadata. Metadata is the only way to persist BlockStates anyway. If blockstate1 and blockstate2 have the same metadata of 0, then it will default to the blockstate set to 0(if not setup correctly the defasult blockstate).
  10. Well if it only updates server side then we send the data to the client...The client has the same data. Well could you explain the problem.
  11. I'm not sure if I understand the current problem, but is it that the current fuel can be greater than lastFuel? If so the problem is If not please explain it to me.
  12. Could you post your entire TileEntity class it might not be functioning as intended.
  13. Well you definitely could, but using the in place system is easier. And I assume it would be more internet intensive. Give me a minute to look at the code...
  14. Always post all of the code even if you think it unnecessary. Was that all of the code in your container?
  15. coppperShears = registerItem(new copperShears(...));
  16. I believe it sends all of the properties aka the fields from server to client. Did you return 2 on getFieldCount?
  17. It says you do not have a blockstate named atomExtractor.json and why are you hardcoding the model name when you create a new ModelResourceLocation just do block.getRegistryName()
  18. Post your code for ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation and the console log.
  19. You can get the Item version of a block from Item.getItemFromBlock(block), the metadata is most of the time 0. model is a new ModelResourceLocation. But you should be able to look at that in eclipse by holding controll and clicking on setCustomModelResourceLocation
  20. It is a replacement ItemModelMesher had some problems so forge created a better one. Are the parameters not obvious enough? Item is the Item the resource location goes to, and the metadata is the metadata of the item. What do you mean model?
  21. It has to be called in preInit, it takes in three parameters the Item, the metadata of the item and a ModelResourceLocation. This works for blocks as well. a ModelResourceLocation takes in Strings one is the name of the JSON and the other is optional usually it is "inventory". You do not need to add your modid here.
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