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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. tooltip.add(I18n.translateToLocal("")); It is deprecated as of 1.10 not sure if it will be removed or not.
  2. We can't do anything without the code. Do you ever use Minecraft.getMinecraft().theplayer?
  3. You should have your own Container and Gui. You will also need a GuiHandler which is a class that implements IGuiHandler. There are plenty of tutorials out there for those, as they haven't really changed much.
  4. Look at onItemRightClick in Item it has changed and instead of EnumAction.BLOCK use EnumAction.BOW
  5. How do you put Items into the inventory?
  6. Probably has something to do with your container.
  7. I believe both onItemRightClick and onPlayerStoppedUsing have been changed.
  8. The best help i can recommend is Learning Java I provided a link.
  9. "normal": {"model": "modid:model_name"}
  10. No the way I told you, but instead of "inventory" use "normal"
  11. First time modding or first time using java. Why don't you look at the method applyBonemeal and see what the difference is between what you call, and what it is.
  12. The thing was I wasn't being sarcastic...That error literally tells you what is wrong.
  13. What does that error tell you after learning Java?
  14. Do what Matryoshika maybe I am misunderstanding the variant thing again.
  15. Here you are using Minecraft.getMinecraft.getItemModelMesher() and not ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation(...)
  16. Then why are you checking if it is a server world? if(!event.player.worldObj.isRemote) {
  17. Why do you need to send a message in the first place, why are you trying to add a potion effect on the client when it is handled server side?
  18. The last error is in EEItems line 31 and 26. Where do you register your blocks?
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