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Forge Modder
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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. I don't think there are any forge provided ones what questions do you have?
  2. You should be using ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation instead of getItemModelMesher(), and then put it in preInit.
  3. Item/Block Rendering code should be in your preInit method. You should also be using ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourcelocation() if you are not already.
  4. Any specific function you are looking for, if so please post it, and if it is an inventory API Minecraft more or less already has one built in. In stuff like ISidedInventory and IInventory. Those interfaces include methods like isItemValidforSlot() or canExtract().
  5. That would be loading not saving, as LexManos said you should be using the Capability system. Pardon me for my lack of knowledge of this Capability system. But what is it exactly? The capability system is the replacment for IEntityExtendedProperties for 1.8+ though if you want infotmation on how to use it you should look at the docs.
  6. That would be loading not saving, as LexManos said you should be using the Capability system.
  7. If you mean itr.next().getClass(), then no. I tried that. I believe he wants you to create a field of itr.next() and use that instead of calling itr.next()
  8. You create a new class that extends Block and instead of new Block(Material.something) you do new CustomBlockClass(Material.something) Though it seems you don't have enough Java knowledge you should learn some more before continuing.
  9. When creating a new TileEntity for your ritual block just return a new instance of the TileEntity to see if that works.
  10. First thing first do you only ever create one instance of Your TileEntity in the hashmap in RitualRegistry. And do you ever call RitualRegistry.add()
  11. I believe Vaskii uses it in Psi a really awesome mod and it is on github so here look for it. https://github.com/Vazkii/Psi
  12. if (world.getBlockState(pos).getBlock() == Block.whatever block)
  13. You also need to add public void addListener(IContainerListener listener) { super.addListeners(listener); listener.sendAllWindowProperties(this, tileEntity); } to your containers class.
  14. Different crash mind you, but use ItemAxe(Item.ToolMaterial, float, float) instead of ItemAxe(Item.ToolMaterial)
  15. I gotcha, well is there any mods packs you reccommend that I can run the latest version of minecraft that isnt just plain vanilla? Well there aren't that many ModPacks for 1.10.2, but you can always download mods that are for 1.10-1.10.2 and put them in your mods folder after installing forge.
  16. It is, but this forum doesn't support anything, but the most recent version. Forge doesn't take away the ability to download the older versions. Try to download the source/mdk whatever it is called for 1.6.4 you will run into some errors when downloading because it can't find the file it needs.
  17. 1.10.2 or the most recent version. It is not modible any more because you can't really download the 1.6.4 forge source normally anymore.
  18. At the top of your preInit method/before you create/register your items.
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