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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. You just removed the texture path you need to change the elements too. Remove the ones that use the #overlay and remove the tintindex from all of the other elements.
  2. Uhh if your block only has a different model if it is less than 500/ greater than. You shouldn't be using a PropertyInteger for storing this number. Use a TileEntity to store the number and store the PropertyBoolean in the block.
  3. Yes. You just need to register a Block with the same registry name and the same variants.
  4. I assume the same "error" is happening?
  5. No. You don't know Java do you? First the @Override annotation doesn't actually do anything. It just lets you know that you are overriding a method from a parent class(hurray for inheritance). Secondly the method is a new one you have to add to your class. If it doesn't exist with the name fillStateContainer then it's likely that you are using an outdated version of forge. I'm only on 28.1.19
  6. It exists in the Block class. You need to override it in your Block class I believe is called MPlant.
  7. fillStateContainer is a method in the Block class. If you are having a hard time overriding the method you can press ctrl+space and type the method name to get suggestions.
  8. No, no, and no. There is no way to register it use the event. This part is unneeded. This event fires on Bus.FORGE, which is the default.
  9. Remove all reference to the overlay part in your model you likely don't need it. Unless you are gonna shade your block like minecraft does. And from the looks of it you aren't. Also remove the tintindex from your models elements.
  10. Yes judging by those errors it appears your block doesn't have the AGE property in it. Which doesn't make sense because it extends CropsBlock which adds the property. Try overriding fillStateContainer in your plants Block class and add your age property to the builder. Also you can remove this. You never use it.
  11. What do you mean? There is clearly a texture there.
  12. Post the console output.
  13. These two are once again looking for textures in the block folder and not the blocks folder.
  14. You didn't read my message correctly. You told forge to look for your models in models.blocks instead of models/block after I said. You only needed to change the values in the block model file not the blockstate or item model.
  15. Did you move your models to the models/blocks or are they still in models/block? If so change your blockstate and item model back to block. This is the error.
  16. This is still an error it just isn't as low as you think it is and it is in the form of a stack trace. If you want post your whole console.
  17. You specify block in your model file but your textures are in blocks
  18. You are not using your modid when declaring the textures in the model.
  19. Excellent cause I don't know anything about IntelliJ. First set a breakpoint in your code by right clicking off to the left of the line you want to pause at and click "toggle breakpoint". Then up at the top next to the play button there is one that looks like a bug this is the debug run configuration thingy. Use this to run the runClient configuration.
  20. No debug mode in your IDE. Which one are you using?
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