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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. You'll have to create a custom JSon model or if you want to be fancy like Ore Spawn and make it all smooth you can use an obj file.
  2. Firstly there is no point in checking if it contains it. It will return getBoolean will return false if it doesn't contain it. Sounds like a client server desync.
  3. There is an event for it. I believe it is called RenderTooltipEvent. You'll have to use Pre sub event to modify the lines List
  4. Bring this up with the mod author.it's a problem on their end if it isn't working. Or it is a problem with some mod compatibility.
  5. The first one is it's mod unique ID. The second is a class that will be created by your decoder. (It needs to store all the information you want accessible on the other side(Server/Client)). The third is a BIConsumer that takes in an instance of that class and a PacketBuffer. Use this to write the data sent over the network to the PacketBuffer. The fourth is a Function that takes in a PacketBuffer and returns an instance of the class. Use this to read the data from the PacketBuffer into a new instance of the class. The fifth and final parameter is a BiConsumer that takes in an instance of the class and a Supplier of NetworkEvent.Context. Use this to handle the information you sent over whether it be syncing data to the client or performing an action on the server.
  6. Yes you need your own custom class to override a method. That's because it is already included in the tag.
  7. Yes you can. You can definitely cast a double to a float.
  8. I think you need to override Block#isIn
  9. Do you have Java installed? If not install it. If you do then you can use this to make sure jar files open with Java.
  10. You don't have Java installed.
  11. Give it Material.PLANTS instead of LEAVES. LEAVES is a solid Material and therefore turns farmland back to dirt.
  12. HarvestDropeEvent is not implemented yet because of design reasons you can just create a loot table json and override the vanilla one. If you just want to add to the vanilla one use the LootTableLoadEvent.
  13. Post this code.
  14. Post your model file.
  15. What version have you updated to and post your current code.
  16. Sorry 1.8.9 is an extremely outdated version and we no longer support it on this forum. Please update to receive support. Once a forum moderator sees this they will lock it.
  17. In eclipse you can just right click on the folder or the whole project and click refresh.
  18. Post your code. And this includes how you registered your event handler.
  19. The even is fired on both the client and the server. Make sure to only do your code on the logical server by checking if World#isRemote is false.
  20. You've got an extra comma at the end of this line. You should download a json editing plugin for your IDE.
  21. Post your console/log
  22. Does your blockstate json reflect the facing property?
  23. You need to override Block#fillBlockState and add the FACING property to the builder.
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