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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. There is a method in the item class called getUnlocalizedName use the one that takes an ItemStack you'll need to store data on that ItemStack about what its name is.
  2. Jar modding is not supported here. Tell him to use forge.
  3. There is not likely to be an event but the problem I think is shaders take over several parts of the rendering process such as lighting and they might not respect vanilla components.
  4. You're reaching across logical sides and it wont work in multiplayer.
  5. If I remember correctly there is a ContainerOpenEvent but part of me says that you are not allowed to change the container from inside it. Though you can check it might even say it in the javadoc.
  6. Use the ClientTickEvent to count ticks. 1 tick happens 1/20 of a second. Aka 20 times per second.
  7. You are only ever changing the gui. This is a problem you must also change the container on the server.
  8. Did you use your IDE to override the method? You might be missing its parameter.
  9. Try changing false to true when you register it. You should also be using the Registry event for entities.
  10. If you want you can or you can write it yourself. Switch the files.
  11. This sounds like ASM and it isn't supported on this forum. I don't believe the bytecode changes between an obfuscated environment and a deobfuscated one.
  12. I'm saying that you need to speak with the developers of sponge or whatever developer works on this. Not Forge.
  13. You should still report that to the pixelmon devs. Because you being allowed to get that error is a bug and should be fixed.
  14. No clue it might be a unicode error of some sort. It normally is, however it might be a bug or a change in forge that caused that mod to not be specifying something new or semi incorrectly.
  15. This isn't true this is something wrong with pixelmon either you have configured something wrong or it's a bug and needs to be alerted to them. I can't diagnose it entirely because pixelmon is not open source and all I can tell you is that they are trying to generate a random number with an incorrect parameter.
  16. Talk to the mod author(s) that are at fault for the incompatibility and see if they will/can fix it.
  17. I recommend using https://www.curseforge.com/ for all your mod downloading needs unless the mod has a website of it's own like optifine or industrialcraft2.
  18. It looks like assisted progression isn't compatible with the updated forge versions. Something it is doing is causing them to error and then kill the whole mod loading process.
  19. I don't see why you can't ask your question. Unless they are specifically about a mod or mods. This isn't the correct part of the forums for that. And it's possible that there are forums out there for that mod in particular.
  20. That's not gonna work because the Container isn't open I believe. That's gotta be because it detected a change in the inventory. Like I said you will need to send a packet to the client.
  21. Put a println or log message in the event method and have it print out World#isRemote. True means client and false means server.
  22. Not off the top of my head. I will need more information. Is the event being called on the server or the client? If it's on the server you'll need to send a packet to the client specifically SSetSlotPacket I believe. There might be an easier way however.
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