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Forge Modder
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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. In your GuiHandler do an instanceof check to see if the Capability you are getting is IPlayerCapability one.
  2. You should prefix unlocalised names with your modid, Forge does not do this. Registry names automatically have the modid prefixed to the passed name. Just a question, does forge even care about Unlocalized names any more? Aren't they just used to localize the name in game?
  3. No you do not, also it would happen in previous versions. Before the new registry if the mod authors didn't register it with there modid appended, but forge should now automatically append it. If you want them to be equal register them in the OreDictionary.
  4. In your Container and GUi you require IPlayerCapability and it will auto cast to that to try and give it that.
  5. They are registered with the modid aswell, so it makes it harder.
  6. PlayerCapability cannot be cast to IPlayerCapabilty.... IPlayerCapability is your own class
  7. Why did you do this Also you are registering a ItemColorHandler every item update tick.
  8. Could you show me your Client and Server proxies.
  9. Do these actually point to your Client Proxy and Server Proxy public static final String CLIENT_PROXY_CLASS = "com.t10a.minedran.proxy.ClientProxy"; public static final String SERVER_PROXY_CLASS = "com.t10a.minedran.proxy.ServerProxy";
  10. Do you have any variants in you Block, rather is it supposed to be like the furnace and face you?
  11. Yes I understood what they do, but once I get some sleep and my brain is working "better" than it is currently I will read all of what you posted to understand it better. Thank you again diesieben. Can I assume it is still not working? Also if your code for the TeleportCommand is not "readable" then you should update forge to its most recent version and see if it is readable then.
  12. Well you were correct so it won't crash, but it won't work. That just changes the reason to not use it. Unless the OP wants it to only work on a dedicated server.
  13. What if this code is going to be run in a SinglePlayer world wouldn't it crash because the method doesn't exist
  14. Head Blocks JSON is broken is that the block you are talking about? Is so post JSON
  15. Why not look into GuiCreateFlatWorld to see what causes the world to generate as a flat world.
  16. Lets do a quick run down 1. Do you have a Block model JSON and an Item Model JSON (it is already apparent you have a blockstate) 2. Do you call ModelLoader.setCustomModelLocation() in your preInit 3. Are there any error logs 3.1. Are the error logs missing textures if so check your texture paths in you JSONs and in your directory 3.2. Are they missing models if so correct the model location. 4. If none of the above post updated JSONs, Block Registration, and Model registry code.
  17. That is because Walls are hardcoded to only connect to BlockFenceGate and itself, sorry you won't be able to make it do that until Forge takes that pull request.
  18. As long as you already override the methods that use the enumtype you should be able to pass in null.
  19. Maybe LivingSpawnEvent not sure if that gets called for the player though.
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