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Forge Modder
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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. Did you ever set your burnTimeRemaining? Server Side only
  2. You never actually change how many slots you have public static final int fuel_slots = 0; public static final int input_slots = 0; public static final int output_slots = 0; public static final int total_slots = fuel_slots + input_slots + output_slots;
  3. // Variant code from BlockPlanks public static final PropertyEnum<BlockPlanks.EnumType> VARIANT = PropertyEnum.<BlockPlanks.EnumType>create("variant", BlockPlanks.EnumType.class); JSON example from documentation please read the comments. { "forge_marker": 1, "defaults": { "textures": { "texture": "blocks/planks_oak", "wall": "blocks/planks_oak" }, "model": "pressure_plate_up", "uvlock": true }, "variants": { // mossy is a boolean property. "mossy": { "true": { // if true it changes the pressure plate from oak planks to mossy cobble "textures": { "texture": "blocks/cobblestone_mossy" } }, "false": { // change nothing. The entry has to be here to be generated for internal usage by minecraft } }, // pillarcount is a property that determines how many pillar submodels we have. Ranges from 0 to 2 "pillarcount": { 0: { // no pillar. Remember, has to be there. }, 1: { // if it is true, it will add the wall model and combine it with the pressure plate "submodel": "wall_n" }, 2: { "textures": { "wall": "blocks/cobblestone" }, "submodel": { "pillar1": { "model": "wall_n" }, "pillar2": { "model": "wall_n", "y": 90 } } } } } }
  4. [s]Why not try[/s] [code state.getValue(player).intValue(); Why are you casting to Integer and not int.
  5. Then you could subscribe to the PlayerInteractEvent and set the buff a lot less lag intensive though it requires more code.
  6. You could do too things I just thought of 1. Subscribe to playerTickEvent and use that 2. Check if player.openContainer != null then remove the buff I prefer the second option.
  7. Hey I have a question for you AimeryCM, does it still render the fire?
  8. Well that is an Event did you subscribe it using MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(new EventHandler()); And your method needs to have @SubcribeEvent above it
  9. The ItemStacks have a method called getItem() // Just to get an ItemStack variable // An ItemStack with one apple in it ItemStack stack = new ItemStack(Items.apple, 1); stackItem = stack.getItem();
  10. You are comparing ItemStacks not items, ItemStacks hold much more information that is different between between each one, and items there should only ever be one instance of an item in a mod.
  11. In your blockstate points to the wrong model "normal": { "model": "sethstools:omniingot"}
  12. You should update, but I will give you a hint go into EntityLiving and look.
  13. entity.getArmorInventoryList() then check each posistion to check if it is the item of the armor you want.
  14. What do you mean do you want to be able to edit them or just have them load then forge loads?
  15. What Draco18s said is the best way to do that. Although you could probably use LivingUpdateEvent to extinguish all entities with the EnumCreatureType UNDEAD if they are on fire (Note this is very lag intensive).
  16. I'm not sure, but I think in 1.10 you may just be able to put them in the mods folder?
  17. It is possible to change attributes as well AttributeModifier modifierHealth = new AttributeModifier(((EntityMob)event.entity).getPersistentID(), ((EntityMob)event.entity).getPersistentID().toString() + "_Health", level * 4, 0); ((EntityMob)event.entity).getEntityAttribute(SharedMonsterAttributes.maxHealth).applyModifier(modifierHealth); ((EntityMob)event.entity).setHealth(((EntityMob)event.entity).getMaxHealth()); The reason that Skeletons and Zombies burn is because they are an instance of Undead, has nothing to do with AI. Though there is an AI that makes skeletons flee from the sunlight.
  18. You need to make a class that implements IRenderFactory and if should look something like this public class CustomModEntityRenderingHandler implements IRenderFactory<CustomModEntity> { // Should return what you already have to render your Entity @Override public Render<? super CustomModENtity> createRenderFor(RenderManager manager) { return null; } }
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