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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. Well first you need to Subscribe to an event called LivingSpawnEvent here is a good tutorial on EventHandlers. You'll want to take the entity given by the event parameter and scroll through the tasks field and change the AI to it's corresponding alternative.
  2. Well I'm sorry I was only aware of public IIcon getIcon(int side, int meta); // Not public IIcon getIcon(IBlockAccess world, int x, int y, int z, int side); Well now that I see that I know what is possible should really look more into stuff before posting.
  3. Because that is the way java works. If forge supported it you would be able to modify the forge source directly leading to incompatibility between mods. You can change the AI of mobs in the way I suggested here http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,40955.0.html
  4. Forge doesn't support modifing base classes. Plus the way you did it wouldn't work anyway. To do so you would need to decompile minecraft code edit it and then recompile it and use that as your jar file to launch minecraft, which wouldn't be compatible, what is it that you are trying to change?
  5. Minecraft has these things in 1.7 called IIcons. They are variables that store the textures information. getItcon will help you determine what IIcon to use per side although I don't see any way to make that depend on the surrounding blocks.
  6. It does, it had a get method for the private field that I wan't aware of.
  7. That should work, but now you need to add the entity to spawn in all biomes.
  8. I would use // To do get the instance if the container that the player has open player.openContainer // Grab which block the player is looking at using MovingObjectPosition and the players look vectors.
  9. Chunk chunk = new Chunk(world, 0, 0); if(!chunk.isLoaded()) chunk.setChunkLoaded(true); Something like this, but you should use world.getChunkFromBlockCoords() // or world.getChunkFromChunkCoords()
  10. Ah so I'm pretty sure if you did need access to the Main Thread what Choonster said should get you there. Have fun come back if something happens.
  11. Where are you trying to render these? On the screen after you have dumped all the crafting recipes to their respective JSONs?
  12. In Minecraft you can't render in a packet what you will need to do is open a gui and do the rendering in there, how are you sending this packet?
  13. First you should probably update to 1.10, and what do you mean you need to do OpenGL stuff in packets?
  14. And to be able to load it you will need the chunks coords.
  15. Oh I'm sorry I didn't look at your profile, I just assumed it was him, and I haven't slept yet. :3
  16. I don't see any other posts...except the ones from us.
  17. No I have not used this Animation before, but I'm pretty sure that some people like LexManos and Diesieben know what it is. What, who mentioned grammar.js and an engine.json?
  18. Also are you sure that the chunk wasn't unloaded?
  19. I'm not sure if this will work or not, but you could subscribe to LivingUpdateEvent and check if the entities aia is disabled and if it is run the update anyway. Though if it does work it may cause lag as all entities will be receiving AI updates every tick.
  20. Well it seems that it doesn't matter if you use your MODID or the instance forge works both ways after a little digging into that. Sorry for bothering you, I've just never seen it done that way until now.
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