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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. Read the documentation on EventBusSubscriber again.
  2. Pass it in through the constructor. Store the value of the block you need as a local variable in your registry event method. Yes you'll have to do this for each one. No they cant because they need to have the value to create another block. And ObjectHolder values are not populated until after the registry events have fired.
  3. You cant do this "static IBlockState modelState = ModBlocks.BRONZE_BLOCK.getDefaultState();" ModBlocks.BRONZE_BLOCK is still null at this point in time.
  4. You also need to specify a CustomClientFactory with Builder#setCustomClientFactory it just needs to return a new Chert_Entity you can use the EntityType, World constructor.
  5. This is an event. Instead use WorldEvent.PotentialSpawns until addSpawn is no longer protected I though I don't think that will happen.
  6. Post your updated code. Preferably as a working github repo.
  7. Ok do your configuration files match? Try copying them over,
  8. You still don't do anything here. So of course it isn't. And just recently I became aware of an easier/better way of doing this. Instead of returning your own implementation of IPacket you can just use NetworkHooks.getEntitySpawningPacket
  9. You cant access client only code on the server. Use your proxy setup to run this.
  10. Yes there is. Calls Item#onBlockDestroyed so by calling it from Item#onBlockDestroyed it loops recursively. I am at least 95% sure because this is the same guy whom you and I helped a few days ago. Where you told him to use Item#onBlockDestroyed and I stepped him through ray tracing to get the side of the block the player was looking at.
  11. You need a packet to sync the data you can read up about packets on the forge documentation.
  12. I literally told you what needs to go there... you need to create an entity and spawn it in the client world.
  13. Both of those ways to require your method playerTick to be a static method.
  14. Did you register an instance of event handler class(Poison Air) to MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS?
  15. This is the mod causing the problem. Update to it's most recent 1.14 version. And if that doesn't fix the problem you'll have to remove it.
  16. What is this even supposed to do?... What is this? Why are you using this? Flint isn't a Block. Use what ItemRenderer uses.(Take a look at it's class).
  17. It doesn't help you. It's meant to help you be compatible with other mods. The best way to do what you are trying to do I think would be to cast the player to ServerPlayerEntity then get the PlayerInteractionManager field(interactionManager) and call PlayerInteractionManager#tryHarvestBlock(BlockPos)
  18. Please don't necro an old thread. Make your own post if removing Smart Moving doesn't fix your problem.
  19. You're getting closer you do need to use the PlayerEntity. Hint: Every Entity has access to the world it's in. Also there is one more method you need to use from the event.
  20. Yeah it has to do that...how much do you know about programming? Have you stepped through the code execution in the debugger?
  21. Just because something can be represented as a string doesn't mean it should be. Also did you check the return type of RightClickBlock#getUseBlock? It doesn't have anything to do with what block was right clicked. Look at the stuff you do have access to in order to get the block that is being right clicked.
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