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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. You need to setup breakpoints to tell intellij where you want it to stop. Look up how to use the debugger in intellij for more information.
  2. This is the part that doesnt make sense. I guess you can just subtract the client players x,z values from the entities x,z. And of course scale them according to the amount of chunks the player has rendered and the size of your JFrame.
  3. I wasnt talking about the debug stick I was talking about the debugger in your IDE that allows you to step through the code.
  4. Why dont you explain more on what you are trying to do. Because as it stands right now I'm not sure what you mean by translate 3d to 2d and then
  5. I'm not even sure what this is, because you didnt post any code or context. All we got was the crash report.
  6. How did you test this? Could it have been a client server desync? Have you tried stepping through the debugger in the read and write methods along with your onBlockPlacedBy and onHarvestBlock? I'd not do so find out how the code is executing.
  7. Is this like a map kinda thing?
  8. Im pretty confident its on a 0-1 decimal scale so 7 is pretty big.
  9. Does the IItemHandler in question have a size of 16? Also post the crash.
  10. getBoundingBox isn't a method in the Block class. Whenever you override a method in a super class put the @Override annotation above the method. It will tell you if you are actually overriding the method. Also...
  11. I think the problem is that the client uses it's own lastPosX,Y,Z values to render the player. These are updated on the server of course, but I don't think they are sent to the client. And of course syncing the values wouldn't do anything because of the delay.
  12. I wouldn't say it's the easiest way, but it is the best way.
  13. Try to just override the texture, It may be that you can't override models. So just put the texture at assets.minecraft.textures.item
  14. Well if you read it you would know it doesn't go into the .minecraft folder itself. Also why that screenshot and the link underneath it?
  15. Don't use IHasModel. This is your problem. For one your planks block doesn't use it. So no models are applied. Second all Items have a model. So you can just do something like for (Item item : ITEMS) { ModelLoader.setCustomModelLocation(item, 0, new ModelResourceLocation(item.getRegistryName(), "inventory")); } And in your case since you have meta items don't add them to the list and instead do them directly like. for (Enum enum : EnumType.values()) { ModelLoader.setCustomModelLocation(Item.getItemFromBlock(ModBlocks.SOME_PLANK), enum.getMeta(), new ModelResourceLocation(ModBlocks.SOME_PLANK.getRegistryName().toString() + "_" + enum.getName(), "inventory")); Something like that.
  16. Kinda. The event in particular isn't meant for this use. What is it that you are trying to accomplish? Aka what are you gonna do once the item is in lava? Is it your own item?
  17. Show how you're adding them to the list.
  18. It seems the command line argument "-Dforge.logging.markers=SCAN,REGISTRIES,REGISTRYDUMP" is causing this problem removed it from my eclipse run configutation for runServer. Started to work. When DaemonUmbra asked for your logs he probably meant the server log from when you tested the command.
  19. You just described the Block and Item class. You should not make a "base" class for your mod because it already exists. You only need a new class if your block needs custom behavior(right click, a te, etc).
  20. Minecraft has three different methods for the bounding box that all call getShape. So just override getShape
  21. Since this is 1.14 you just do Item.Properties#setContainerItem
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