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Forge Modder
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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. Do RenderingRegistry.registerEntityRenderingHandler() in your ClientSetupEvent
  2. No. Use the context in the method and return the BlockState you want placed.
  3. Yes it does. You must have done something wrong.
  4. Then you have done. public class MyOwnItemStackTileEntityRenderer extends ItemStackTileEntityRenderer
  5. 1.8.9 is no longer supported on this forum.
  6. The Block Registry has always fired before the Item registry. Because you need the block to create the ItemBlocks.
  7. What's on line 81? Also Update to 1.14.4
  8. Ovverride getDrops in your Block class.
  9. Would World#getChunkProvider().isChunkLoaded(BlockPos/ChunkPos) work for this?
  10. I assume you mean 1.12.2. You need to create a custom recipe factory. Specifically an IRecipeFactory and an IRecipe implementation for your factory to return. You can read about them here.
  11. Yes you can all you need is an ItemStack instance.
  12. ItemStack#getTag() and ItemStack#setTag(). Get the tag and if it is null create a new tag. Then populate the tag with your own value(s). Then set the tag if it was null.
  13. That's exactly what should be happening The blockstate should have no say here as long as it has the ANIMATION PROPERTY which is does. The static variable lets you render one model without animation at all and another model with animation. I believe they are rendered at the same time.
  14. Post your code.
  15. 1.12.2 seems to have that problem. Make your own and it should work.
  16. This is not the correct forums for this.
  17. Set up an installation for the forge version. Just like you would do if you wanted a new vanilla version.
  18. It shouldn't matter where you put it the default location should be good.
  19. Spamming isn't going to get you help any faster. After downloading forge run the installer to install it onto your client. Then take the mods you want to use and put them in .minecraft/mods/ if it doesn't exist create it.
  20. Learn java.
  21. ParticleTypes is not the value you are trying to register. You want to register ParticleType.
  22. Its all done the same.
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