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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. Isnt there just a method in Item called something like createItemEntity that is used for this in particular? @Lea9ue
  2. It does yes. Because it comes with an updated mappings which includes new source files.
  3. This confirms its not a texture error. That means it's not finding the file at all. Can you send a picture of your resources(package) explorer. You can always google it. The forge mod is suppose to function like one it's basically make a zip folder that has the assets folder and a pack.mcmeta file.
  4. Thanks I'm gonna work on a couple maybe three episodes tomorrow.
  5. Probably all over github. But it is as simple as draco said. You should already have a registry event if you are using a modern version. So step one complete. Step two is to only call new BlahItem in the Item Registry Event, and likewise for Blocks. Then you need to register those items and blocks in the event. Now if you need to have access to those values use the ObjectHolder annotation.
  6. This is not a proper implementation. Look at the other containers for examples. Though it is very confusing.
  7. Update to 1.14
  8. ItemStacks are no longer nukl. Use ItemStack#isEmpty Not sure what that means. What does it say. If its eclipse telling you it's wrong then it's a Java problem not a forge problem ask elsewhere/learn the Java language.
  9. It has to be. My suggestion is to add the setDead call in the onUpdate method of the entity. And the onLoad if that exists for entities or not use an entity at all unless you plan for a visual effect to exist.
  10. I think you can just cancel the LivingDamageEvent(maybe another one) and no damage will be applied. If that doesnt work for knockback then you can use the KnockBack event.
  11. Define not able to. Do you mean no animation or no actual damage or knockback.
  12. I think it is. Because the error has to do with you removing that entity when changing directions.
  13. Sorry have an older version of 1.12.2 on my computer. Does your spell entity override onEntityRemoved? Just as a suggestion remove the call to setDead in your code.
  14. You have the procedure down. Is the console yelling at you? What happens if you point it to a different vanilla texture? Basically is it even recognizing your model. Also as a side note. You might want to not change all of the vanilla textures because other mods base their textures off the vanilla ones and honestly it would bug me to have me to have the vanilla textures changed dramatically. Especially, if the change made all of the other mods in a modpack look out of place. My recommendation is make a resource pack for your mods items and the vanilla items. And make your items take after the vanilla items to give the user a choice.
  15. Did you install Java JDK and JRE 8? Is your JAVA_HOME path pointing to them? Have you uninstalled Java 11?
  16. It also seems that the error is caused when TileEntities are being removed. Do you have any TileEntities that override the onChunkUnload method?
  17. Can you show me what you mean by it being behind the actual position?
  18. This means the y value not all of the values as it seems you were doing.
  19. Not exactly. But it is pretty self explanatory. Make a Block that extends BlockTNT or TNTBlock. Then change the entity it turns into, to your own entity that will explode. Also do all your cool custom things there like "fallout blocks".
  20. Try the libraries folder in the root directory.
  21. First lol. And second the one called build. Just build. If it was something else I would've said the full name.
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