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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. Here is a documentation that talks about events. And here is one about registering things.
  2. You need to use the registry events.
  3. Two things. Why did you double post? And second can you post the whole crash report? A single line is pretty abstract and there could be a thousand different reasons.
  4. Create your own. Start thinking like a programmer. You need to create your own ItemStackTileEntityRenderer which handles your Spear item. God why do you have to have everything put right in front of you on plain paper. Step 1. Create Your own ItemStackTileEntityRenderer implementation and override renderItem(ItemStack) Step 2. Duplicate what the Trident does, but with your own model. Step 3. Set it in your Items Properties with the Item.Properties#setTEISR Step 4. Create thrown entity by extending the TridentEntity Step 5. Create renderer that renders the your spear model at the entities position/angle etc. Step 6. Make sure everything works.
  5. ClientChatReceivedEvent and read this to learn about events.
  6. Oh a crash. I wonder how I can help.
  7. Where do you store it? The block state? BlockState#get TileEntity#getBlockState().get()
  8. I wonder if it is in the ItemStackTileEntityRenderer class
  9. Adding them is a forge addon. Vanilla has them hard coded. What? Spawn your own entity?
  10. This is true, but oracle accounts are free. So make one.
  11. I think it is redundant because that event is only fired on the server.
  12. Set through the code in the debugger. Try creating a new AxisAlignedBB
  13. Why not make it extend BowItem anyways? You can just override the methods and give it your own behavior. Then everyone will know it is a bow. Of course there is. You can change the boundingBox field in the entities class.
  14. It will they have a print line in the first one, but in the one where they check for the skeleton there is another if statement inside to check if the attacker is a Zombie.
  15. I think the Trident when held uses a TEISR(TileEntityItemRenderer). Which is attached via the Item Properties you provide in your constructor. As for when it is thrown that's an entity and you need to make your own entity and attach a renderer to it normally, You can probably just extend the TridentRenderer and override getEntityTexture.
  16. This is not a proper resource location it should look like this. new ResourceLocation("modid", "textures/path/to/file.png");
  17. It only culls them if it is told to and this is controlled by a series of factors. Stuff like if it is opaque. Generally things that aren't full cubes are not culled because of the simple way minecraft checks if culling should happen. Is there a block on this side. Cool don't render this side then.
  18. The ID is stored in the container like you said not the inventory.
  19. Well look at it this way. To store items in an inventory you must have an ItemStack correct. Which has a lot of extra data associated with it. You will probably already have an Ability class that stores information about the abilities. So therefore the most efficient way of doing this would be to extend Container and create your own mechanics for it/them.
  20. Well can't help if I don't have the crash report.
  21. This is also what the TileEntityBeaconRenderer does ???
  22. Did you change the bounding box away from INFINITE_EXTENT_AABB? Because otherwise it should assume you are always looking at it.
  23. I wonder if the event has a solution to this. Or if the entities that I have access to(The dying entity and the damager) have access to the world they are in like my entity.
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