public static final Item ITEM = null;
ModItems.ITEM = new Item().set...
Stop doing this, dont use static initializers.
This needs to be in it's own class otherwise it will crash the dedicated server.
Dont use IHasModel.
And could you post a picture of your directories.
This section of the forum is for people who need help writing mods.
The server thinks the entity is moving too fast or it moved in the wrong direction this could be caused by multiple things.
Yes you can use .obj files and forge has an already in place system for it, you will still need a json file for your blockstate it just needs to point to the obj file and in your preInit method call OBJLoader.add or similar.
First off this is a little repetitive you created a variable for this.
This method sets the slots contents whereas you just want to decrease the stack size. Use ItemStack#setCount to set the count. Then call InventoryPlayer#addItemStackToInventory or similar
From what has been announced probably just the rendering engine. And if so theres only some things that will change like the patches mainly where to inject the byte code ect.
Lex has a patreon, I dont know if anyone else does. But the reason 1.13 is taking so long is a combination of having other responsibilities and one of the devs became unresponsive and I think Lex just picked up the work did it and now its moving along steadily again. I would say if things keep going as they are it should be mostly done if not done before the end of December. But that is just speculation anything is subject to change.
I wish I could thank him in person.
That sucks, is he just kinda MIA or do you know that they are dealing with something?
Fantastic, I'm gonna take a look at that once I have time.
I'm sorry.
No, the update for 1.14 probably won't take much, the only reason 1.13 is taking as long as it is, is because they decided to re-write the whole thing from the ground up. 1.14 won't be anything like that.
Don't just copy-pasta code, read it, understand it, and use it. Assuming that his code is under a license that allows you to copy and distribute his code.