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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. Make a new thread instead of posting on one that is almost 4 months. Plus the topic of this thread changed from recipes to redstone a while ago.
  2. You must compare the states. Or the properties of the IBlockState.
  3. Forge doesnt treat all jar files as mods. For a jar file to be a mod you have to have a class annotated with the @Mod annotation. So therefore no code. No mod.
  4. Ok, didn't know its call hierarchy, trying to help while I'm away from home.
  5. Returns an instance of the Block class. Returns an instance of the IBlockState class. A block is never an IBlockState and an IBlockState is never a Block.
  6. Not exactly, what it looks like you will have to do is. In your TEs class override onLoad and change the blockstate there and tell the client it has changed. Or, and this might be the more elegant solution, maybe override getExtendedState and see if that does what you need to do.
  7. No that calls the parents version of the method.
  8. Or he could make an invisible helmet and put it on all zombies if they spawn without one.
  9. No, that is not how you will want to do that. If you want to do that you should use capabilities.
  10. "a set of data that describes and gives information about other data." When your block or item has extra information that can be specified as an integer. IE BlockStates. Blocks are limited to 16 different combinations while items have a ridiculous upper limit. But these should only be used for similar items or blocks.
  11. When your mod is compiled it doesnt just stay as extends Item or new ItemStack it is translated into the obfuscated names. Which is why using an IDEs built in compiler doesnt work, you have to use gradle.
  12. You will need to find the top block. Hint for loop.
  13. You aren't handling client vs server. You need a !world.isRemote check.
  14. Use RenderGameOverlayEvent.Text.
  15. We dont support jar mods anymore use forge.
  16. @Cadiboo @desht @Zeigfreid You are forgetting about obfuscation of Minecraft classes. In one version the Item class could be called a while in another it could be called b. You can't fix that by creating a wrapper.
  17. No this is impossible. In 1.8 a lot of things changed method names, models, etc. Its basically impossible for mods to be backwards compatible between minecraft versions like 1.10 to 1.11 but 1.11.0 to 1.11.1 would be possible.
  18. Yes you can, you just can't launch an application with both.
  19. The thing is, you cant break the bits up like this. Its non sensical. You have four bits(16 values) if you split the bits up like you said then you have 2 bits or four values to store the variant(oak, birch, etc) and then the other 2 bits for the axis where you only use 3 values out of four. Of which you couldn't use as another variant because then you would lose your axis. So instead it is better to express it in numerical values. Whether it's in base 10, 16, or 2.
  20. Also, you technically only have to use 12 of the sixteen values you have with metadata to store 4 logs. Therefore you could store 5 logs into one block.
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