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Everything posted by Asweez

  1. The item is staying as a purple and black box. How do I fix it? Main: Item: ClientProxy: JSON file: test.json Path:
  2. But I did 10.88 damage with my sword and the console printed out a whole number when I used entity#getHealth
  3. How so?
  4. I want to make a new health bar that is a bar instead of hearts. I was wondering if/how I could make the health go down in smaller increments(than half hearts) because my sword does varying damage and it isn't always in half heart increments.
  5. Awesome that worked thanks!
  6. I'm trying to make my item do more damage than normal based on its NBT. This is what I've been trying but it makes all the entities in the world freeze. What am I doing wrong and how do I make my item do more damage based on NBT?
  7. But doest the heart system run on 1-20? That would mean the only numbers being displayed are 50, 100, 150 etc. I don't want it to be multiples of 50
  8. I want to turn the health system into numbers rather than hearts, for example 1000 HP instead of 10 hearts. How would I do this?
  9. I have a block that I want to emit a purple circle that expands out from the block every second or so. How would I do that?
  10. First, sorry for the barrage of questions, but I'm trying to learn as much as I can about this stuff to become a better modder. I have a vehicle that is just an entity. I want it to to have hit points that will go down when things do damage and eventually destroy that vehicle. How do I add this?
  11. Thanks. 1) how would I make a new vector orthogonal to the players vector? 2) would I make two new vectors orthogonal to the second vector at each end to figure out where to spawn the bullets?
  12. I have some projectiles that I want to fire all at once. I want one to fire straight and the others to fire at angles from the player. I'm assuming I should use vectors to calculate these angles but I'm not sure what I do with those vectors (exactly) to rotate them so my projectiles can fire. How would I do this?
  13. I have a key Z that I want to do one thing if the player is riding an entity and another if they aren't. Right now the key won't do anything, whether the player is riding an Entity or not. How do I fix this?
  14. I have a gun that I want to shoot two bullets: one to a little bit to the left of the player and one a bit to the right. How would I do that?
  15. How would I make the second rider mount my vehicle and become a second riddenBy entity?
  16. Is there a way to do this?
  17. Well I did that, but then Minecraft won't jump because the vehicle jump key is registered for space instead of player jump. Is there a way around this?
  18. I want my vehicle to "jump" when the player presses space. Would I do it with Keyboard#isKeyDown() or make a new key bind for the space key?
  19. Would it be possible to have two people riding one entity? (Only one would control the vehicle, the other just sits in there.)
  20. I have a custom bullet that I want to do more damage if it head shots what it hits. How would I do so?
  21. Asweez


    I want to make a vehicle that a player can ride in, shoot bullets with, and will auto jump one block. However, I have no clue where to start. Any ideas?
  22. Can you please give a code example because I don't know which numbers and methods to use and it's very confusing
  23. So I've been trying what you said and I just don't get how to do this. Could someone please give a code example of how to multiply a vector and combine that with an Entity's position please?
  24. Of course I did
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