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Everything posted by loordgek

  1. you need to use gradle build
  2. write a model loader for it
  3. its being worked on by the optifine dev team
  4. remove mods till it stops start with
  5. that is the minecraft launcher you need https://www.java.com/en/download/
  6. where did you download forge ?
  7. fml.toml ?? where did you download mods from
  8. update JEI or downgrade forge to 1.14.3-27.0.16
  9. where did you download the mods from i cant see the log use https://gist.github.com/
  10. MCJty is one of the better vids out there
  11. in your block condtructer
  12. update to a newer version to get support and your code is still unreadable
  13. what version are you modding ?
  14. https://github.com/Anime-Quatroctus/Blockstate-Generator
  15. how do you use it ? you need to get the chunk then you can get the entitys in that chunk
  16. do you use a youtube tutorial ? maybe use this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DgY6kKf5rGU&list=PLmaTwVFUUXiBKYYSyrv_uPPoPZtEsCBVJ it is a lot better
  17. yes but expect mods breaking when you update forge
  18. the fluid system has not been ported
  19. you must use gradlew.build
  20. BlockItem in 1.14 they moved from prefix to suffix
  21. net.minecraft.block.blocks
  22. show your code
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