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Everything posted by ItsAMysteriousYT

  1. Minecraft does it for the chest without the normal json it does it something with parent{blockChest}
  2. How can i set the MetaData of a Block in 1.8, so i can rotate the tileentities?
  3. How? I want to render it like the Block in the hand, not in 2D!!
  4. How can i implement that my custom tileentityblock is rendered in hand as it is in world?
  5. Thanks @ItsAMysteriousOfficial !!! One model had 83.000 vertices instead of 10.000. I had to remodel quite a bit and it doesn't look so good but it works :-) . BTW do you now if its possible to have multiple textures for one model like exterior.png and interior.png? The mod is called "MCHeli Mod"and its basically the Flans mod without bugs (no planes stuck on the roof or in the floor :-D ) and way better. Seriously try it!!! It's one of the best mods but pretty unknown (from a Japanese guy). I'm only making a Content Pack for it. Yes it is. I can tell you much more about the possibilities you have with .obj models if you want, just add me on skype(itsamysterious)!! Oh and i work on a Mod called Real Life Mod, you might be interested in it, cuz it adds Ultra Realistic Cars and stuff to the game, here is a link: http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/2196915-real-life-mod-taken-from-reality-directly-into
  6. Oh, okay and how excactly does it work? Do i have to install version checker?
  7. Okay, thank you really really much !!
  8. I don't know how to do any of them Can you just give me a short hint or code snippet, so i can learn it?
  9. Okay... But how can i get the mcmod.info file without downloading the whole .jar file?
  10. I know its possible to make links clickable in the Chat, but is there a way to do this in GuiScreens too?
  11. Hey there, i want to add to my mod, that it automaticly checks if there is a newer modversion uploaded and then automaticly notifies the player where to find it.How can i make that?
  12. Okay, thank you. I tried finding a way to display vids in opengl contexts but all libraries i need aren't available anymore
  13. Is there a way to embed Videos from YOuTube in a GuiScreen?
  14. rightclick the a gui pops up that has a variable holding the entity and then a specific button and yes everything is vanilla animals
  15. I there a way to set animals in love without having the item(When clicking on a button)?
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