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Everything posted by opssemnik

  1. you probaly are using Minecraft.getMinecraft().theWorld for server(or ModLoader.getMinecraftInstance().theWorld); which its wrong
  2. the blocks ids must be lower than 256 (its a chunk bug, which forge semi fixed, like, without forge the chunks can only generate with block ids lower than 127) @OffTopic PLEASE USE spoiler and /spoiler ...
  3. you must save to nbt using the ItemStack method (you need to read from nbt too) see ItemStack.java
  4. do more search,, there is a topic in this section, which haves this answear
  5. if you want, you can use MinecraftServer.getServer.playerEntities(list of all player entities) or Minecraft.getMinecraft.theWorld.playersList (or something i dont have eclips to check right now)
  6. @ServerStarting public void serverStarting(FMLServerStartingEvent event) { CommandHandler commandManager = (CommandHandler)event.getServer().getCommandManager(); commandManager.registerCommand(new YOURCOMMANDHERE()); }
  7. of course its no the answer.
  8. depends, if the item haves metadata, the mod itself can use again to a new recipe (like new ItemStack(mod.itembla.itemid, how many, metadata)(of course, if you add a recipe using the item)
  9. itemID = deobufscated name of shiftedIndex in 1.4.7
  10. put this in the block constructor (aka public BlockGel(int var1, int var2, int var3) ) this.setTickRandomly(true);
  11. thats what i use for my block
  12. public void addRenderer(Map map) { map.put(EntityPenguin.class, new RenderPenguin(new ModelPenguin(), 0.5f)); } totaly wrong, this must be and for 2 question i know there is way, but i cant look now because my pc its off, and eclipse dont work in tablets.
  13. its your code, because my world.createExplosions works very well, in the client and server, also im not using any kinda of packets or these network stuff.
  14. RenderingRegistry.registerBlockHandler(new MYBLOCKRENDERINGHANDLER()); //in the client proxy
  15. public ItemStack onItemRightClick(ItemStack par1ItemStack, World par2World, EntityPlayer thePlayer) { thePlayer.openGui(MOD.instance, IDOFGUI, thePlayer.worldObj, (int) thePlayer.posX, (int) thePlayer.posY, (int) thePlayer.posZ); return par1ItemStack; }
  16. here: public TileEntity createNewTileEntity(World par1World) { int metatile = this.metadata; //must be the metadata´s int field switch(metatile){ case damageuwant{ return new TileEntityBLABLABLA(); } case damauwant2{ return new TileEntityBLABLABLA(); } } }
  17. RenderInventoryBlock, in the ISimpleBlockRenderingHandler...
  18. this block dont have a gui...
  19. i mean the same bug, i get the right name printed in the console, but still dont works
  20. public int idDropped(int par1, Random par2Random, int par3) { return MOD.BLOCKBLA.idDropped(0, par2Random, par3); } or public int idDropped(int par1, Random par2Random, int par3) { return MODBLA.ITEMBLA.shiftedIndex; }
  21. Block.blocksList[id].dropBlockAsItem(par1World, x, y, z, par1World.getBlockId(x, y, z), metadata); par1World.setBlock(x, y, z, 0); Obs: 0 its the air block, it dosent craft and im using for my mod. @OffTopic if u still can help me with that nbt thing on my topic thanks.
  22. i tried too, but same error, also i tried with the ee3 method, still dont working.
  23. anyone?
  24. Hi, i have a block, with tile entity, when a player places my block, it saves their name to nbt, and when somewone try to activate it , it compares the nbt name with the entity name, its all ok, but when i relog, all its done, it fails to compare the name, but the name still on nbt here is my code Block (its a test block) TileEntity also yes a registred the tile entitiy, also in the console its printing the right name, but fails to compare.if u dont understand what im saying i have a video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9PMYHtjQb5g&feature=youtu.be
  25. java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: iq.getServerPlayerBase(Ljava/lang/String;)LServerPlayerBase; you didnt installed on the client, or in the server(i mean the player api)
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