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Everything posted by opssemnik

  1. put that after the xcord, ycord,zcord System.out.println(Xcoord); System.out.println(Ycoord); System.out.println(Zcoord); then go to cordinates and see if your block its there
  2. yea the xcord,ycord, and z cord are the block cords @Edit sorry for double post my ie9 its buggy
  3. oh i forgot this methods only works if the block has tile entity(because this must go in tile entity) also var1 is double var1 = (double)(4* 8 + ; this is from TileEntityBeacon
  4. try to gen more than 10 just to test, like instead of 10 put 50 and test
  5. anyone?
  6. just remove this for(int i = 0; 1<16; i++) { u dont need that for WorldGenMinable, exept for flowers and other gen stuff, because u are saying to generate in the surface, but WorldGenMinable its to gen int stone noise (witch is underground)
  7. AxisAlignedBB var4 = AxisAlignedBB.getAABBPool().addOrModifyAABBInPool((double)this.xCoord, (double)this.yCoord, (double)this.zCoord, (double)(this.xCoord + 1), (double)(this.yCoord + 1), (double)(this.zCoord + 1)).expand(var1, var1, var1); List var5 = this.worldObj.getEntitiesWithinAABB(EntityPlayer.class, var4); Iterator var6 = var5.iterator(); EntityPlayer var7; while (var6.hasNext()) { var7 = (EntityPlayer)var6.next(); do stuff }
  8. i found another way, yes you can do that, just create a void called public void onUpdate(ItemStack par1ItemStack, World par2World, Entity par3Entity, int par4, boolean par5) {} the put that. (must be in the items class)
  9. build.xml its for people that uses maven to compile their mods, its good for those have a mod on github, so the people dont need to have the mod on their mcp workspace.
  10. only way its editing that class, but i know some x ray mods that dosent edit bases classes, you must take a look at the way that you are doing your mod...
  11. Create a tickHandler called on client side, create an int, then checks if the int is 0, the world its not null, and the player its not null, u send a message to him, for a mod that im developing i use this, client side tick handler then if has updates availables, its says a msg, if not, its says other message that i can customiza, on the dropbox (where i hosted the files)
  12. the last number must be a float not int, also 20f exp its so much exp, like an gold ingot do just 1f why 20f for an egg?
  13. TickRegistry.registerTickHandler(new TickHandlerMod(), Side.SERVER); in main mod file,
  14. Hi again, i have 2 questions 1- How can i get the block id in a range of 10 blocks(because world.getBlockId(int + 10, int + 10, int + 10) dont work because it try to get the blockId in that position not in that range) -snip-
  15. yea i know that, i deleted , but still stone generating, thats why i maked a topic
  16. Why do that? Just use the onBlockBreak event
  17. I Need to know, my new dimension its always generating stone, i have a modified chunkprovider which i changed from stone to my Stone but still dont worked you can see the codes here http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,4509.0.html pls help me
  18. do you mean, one block its getting a value from another block, or on block its getting the value of these 2 tile entities?
  19. have u tried setBlockAndMetadata?
  20. Hi im helping my friend to create a mod, but im having some troubles with dimensions, i want to replace the Stone block with my custom block, i already changed the Block.stone to my own but it still dont working here are the files ChunkProvider its a copy and paste of vannila just chaning the block but still dont working the biome decorator the world provider and the biome file can somewone helo me?
  21. yeah thats called you must create another blockflower, and then in your sapling class, u extends the new block flower class.
  22. create a tick handler server side, insert a check to see if the player is wearing a armor then you do the stuff
  23. update your forge
  24. or you can put this in your block class Like
  25. in the zip you need to put the folder, net/gemstone/src/classfile, not only the class files.
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