no change, but u can use a mcp whitch u installed forge(because it edifys some mcp files)and u need to extract the forge libs into the jar then just install forge,the mod and delete meta inf
then just click decompile.bat, sucefully made for a mod that a updated(fossils and archeology to a private 1.4.7 server)
or u can create a tickhandler ticktype gui, check to see if gui creative, if yes, close the current screen, and open a new gui creative(u create another, just copy and paste)and do your things in the transferStackInSlot
so get the current itemstack nbttaglist(only enchantaments use this), check to see if is not null and contains the enchantament ids that u want, and then remove. take a look at itemstack and enchantament helper
idk the best way, but u can get the current tool damage and others enchantaments(if u want to remove just one of then) and then u delete, and give the same tool, set the damage to the same before and the other enchantaments.
BiomeGenBase biome = world.getChunkManager().getBiomeAt(xCoord ,yCoord);
if(biome instanceof BiomeGenOcean){
//do stuff
// if worked, say thanks to me
so u need to think more, u need world provider, world chunk manager, chunk provider, biome cache, gen layer, gen layer biomes, biomeblablal, etc, etc, take a look at WorldChunkManager
Please post the correct MyCraft java (the one that u sent was mycraft, but the error says MyCraft, also the line 26 on the file that u sent is null, so please post the correct file)
then just create a client handler client side, with ticktype client,gui and player, and check to see if the current screen is instance of gui container or gui inventory, (because inside the gui container u will find drawItemStackToolTip, so u can draw the boxes up,inside,down or etc of the current itemstack).
omg totaly wrong, getBlockId return id of block, not a block, to get a block nearby u need to
public static int getBlockNearby(World w){
for(int i = 0; 0<3, i++){
return Block.blocksList[w.getBlockId(x +i, y+ i, z+ i)].blockID;
or he can just update to lastest forge and use
public void onArmorTickUpdate(World world, EntityPlayer player, ItemStack itemStack)
in the armor file
what is the error that server gives???, and poste the code, also he cant use ScheduladedTicks because, they will need to check if the player haves that armor in the slot(and that, will need to be done every tick )