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Everything posted by opssemnik
you can use keep calm events
How to switch Gui/render when an item is present?
opssemnik replied to XxArchangelz's topic in Modder Support
I'm using a custom rendered item though so I have two image files (one with one without), I got it working in the ModelAltar class, but when you disconnect/reconnect the block shows up as it were empty then switches back to having a book when you right click it opening the gui. you need to save the texture witch the block is using (not the file, just the name) to the nbt, also to switch gui just put this on onBlockActivacted (or where u call the gui) -
Answears 1- 2 - Learn More java, the core module its like an engine for your mod, so anyone (99%) will not help you 3 - Take a look at LoaderSorter, the unique method that i know to do that, its make you mod file starts with the last letter (like Wmymod.zip), as far i know the loader starts to load by the first letter of the mod file, but im sure there ir another way
to make isFlying true try this @Override public void onUpdate(ItemStack par1ItemStack, World par2World, Entity par3Entity, int par4, boolean par5) { super.onUpdate(par1ItemStack, par2World, par3Entity, par4, par5); if(par3Entity instanceof EntityPlayer){ EntityPlayer player = (EntityPlayer)par3Entity; if (player .inventory.hasItem(24537)) { player .capabilities.allowFlying = true; } if (player.capabilities.isFlying == true) { this.setIconIndex(1); }} else { this.setIconIndex(0); } }
just set the entiy posx, posy and posz to the given cordinates...
... omg tons and tons of stuff (if u read then, u will find isSwiming() or something like this, take a look at renders, i mean the part that render the item in the world)
its because it gens per chunk.(chunks dosent have 400 in a line), the best way, you can check if the chunk exists (there is a function inside World.java, with the given x , y ,z, if yes, checks if has you rail and the rails in a line dosent bigger than 400, and them do the generation). The x, y, z must be the x,y,z of you generation but with x +1, z +1 (or something like this, you may understand what i said);
Help with syncing client and server [unsolved]
opssemnik replied to Floppygunk's topic in General Discussion
im at my tablet so i cant help to much you, but what about world.updateBlockForRender? -
i dont understand you are trying to make a packet for mcpc bukkit or normal bukkit?, because the normal bukkit dont have the Packet250CustomPayload. Its a forge packet, and you need a packet handler to use him. I dont know if this will work.. if that dont work(im not good with bukkit and packet stuff), you can try as far i know entityplayer its entityhuman in bukkit (just change), but if you will make a version of this mod for vannila just use packet handler, there is some tutorials on the wiki, also a lot of things are obfuscated on bukkit, so the best way its do directly for bukkit and ask for help in the bukkit forums.
forge have ml inside, but your ported mod it will not work for smp, and you cant use the forge features(like events, etc...)
why you need the src?, just use onUpdate method or onPlacedBy
that its not the right crash for your problem, please change to the right crash
the better place is bukkit forums or mcpc forums
Giving a Block dimensional features (like ender chest)?
opssemnik replied to xKashanx's topic in Modder Support
please explain more -
in your main class you do @PreInit public void registerMyEvents(FMLPreInitializationEvent e){ MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(new YOUREVENTCLASS()); } then u create a class with the
(solved) GuiScreen Help when making a book
opssemnik replied to XxArchangelz's topic in Modder Support
change to also make sure you arent giving the wrong instance of your mod -
wtf??? u made the topic http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,4746.25.html, just change the range of aabb
you can change from metadata, to nbttag i ItemStack (read and write from nbt)
public void onNeighborBlockChange(World par1World, int par2, int par3, int par4, int par5) { if (!par1World.isRemote) { int var6 = par1World.getBlockMetadata(par2, par3, par4); boolean var7 = this.canPlaceBlockAt(par1World, par2, par3, par4); if (var7) { this.updateAndPropagateCurrentStrength(par1World, par2, par3, par4); } else { this.dropBlockAsItem(par1World, par2, par3, par4, var6, 0); par1World.setBlockWithNotify(par2, par3, par4, 0); } super.onNeighborBlockChange(par1World, par2, par3, par4, par5); } }
[Unsolved]postInit method and checking for other mods
opssemnik replied to WH-Reaper's topic in Modder Support
i use for RedPowerWorld Integration -
IScheduladedTickHandler (just set to amount of ticks that equals to 5 minutes, then do your things)
to poton helper i dont know, but to make potions yes.
you cant change that, it conected to setBlockBounds(min x, min y, miz, max x, max y,max z), if your block dosent have this, the bounds will be 1 for every argument.
MinecraftForge.addGrassSeed(new ItemStack(args), chances to drop);