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Everything posted by hydroflame

  1. yes openGL, openGL, openGL open what ? GL unfortunatelly the subject is FAR too vast to be summarized in a forum post. look online at the opengl documentation/examples btw minecraft is using opengl 1
  2. debugging 101 how to use the overpowered println System.out.println(Object); <- that method? yeah its op as F*** in the method TileEntitySolarPanelRendere.renderTileEntityAt(args) if you do a println() does anythgin show up at all in your console ? NOTE: try to do thsi before coming to ask question because then I wont have to ask you to do it and youll get an answer faster. it can also tell you whats going on roughly, if nothing shows up that mean the code never calls this method (maybe its not registered correctly?) if it does print something it means your render code is wrong somehow
  3. the ore dictionnarry is NOTHING more then a String to itemStack[] dictionnary, you can store anything and everything you want and nobody cares its not "common practice" but some people do it and it doesnt affect anything and its convinient
  4. oh jeebus praise the lord ok so now you need to understand the signification of the keyword "this" basicly "this" will make the code refer to the object your currently in. if i take my example from earlier, using in simplemethod using this.o in simplemethod would be valid because o is a MEMBER of the CLASS simpleclass. using this.p woudl NOT be valid because p was only avaiable in the context of the method, from the object point of view p NEVER exists in short, remove "this."
  5. allll right...im going to explain whats wrong but also why its wrong and what the compiler is understanding public class simpleclass{ public Object o; public void simplemethod(){ //here you CANNOT declare member variable public final static Potatoe p; //saying public somethign means that you intend the variable to be a member of the class, in this case simpleclass //basicly if this was valid i could do something like : //simpleclass c = new simpleclass(); //c.simplemethod.p <- this doesnt make any sens, a method is a method and end with (args) i cannot call members of a method //the Object o declared earlier is member of the simpleclass class and THAT makes sens because c.o is valid, just like you can do player.username, username is MEMBER of the CLASS EntityPlayer.on the other hand method CANNOT have MEMBER // now the actual answer, remove public because in the context of a method it makes no sens //the final keyword CAN make sens but if you dont know what it means DONT use it. literally, never write final if you dont know why you are placing it } }
  6. im even going to make a tutorial for it
  7. i tought you were a fanboy of javassist ? the answer is yes btw but ill clean it up first to make things clearer adn more generic ( MyModNameClassReplacer isnt exactly generic )
  8. hi guys, for my mod i need the event describe in the title, basicly its an event that is posted whenever a player tries to change visually the item he is holding ONLY VISUALLY btw. basicly my mod has this "combat mode" where i want the offensive gear to be rendered no matter what actual item the player is holding in his hand (in skill mode the dmg is redirected to the damage that the player has equipped in his "main weapon" equipment slot) Right now im doing this via ASM but maybe some other modders would benefit from this ( i understand that its very specific btw ) Im just posting to see if its worth that i do a PR for it. edit: its not more then like 2 vanilla line changed
  9. dont worry, i looked at it too hoping it would be that or PlayerInterractEvent
  10. too late guys, already made an api for ASM that work great (2-3 minute per modification so far) but thanks for the help
  11. LivingAttackEvent is only posted IF something takes damage, he wants basicly a "onPlayerLeftClick" event
  12. <sarcasm> im the owner of a server for my mod, i really wanted to spend hours and hours trying to see if "sweetcat13" if friend with "monkeypower136" and did he/she had a good reason to break his block. that would be awesome! </sarcasm> if you look at forge repo theres 1-2 PR about block break/place method as well as at least 2 coremods that implement something like this (forge essentials and mine, probably more)
  13. launching the startclient script will launch the game in deobfuscated mode. i would need to (also in the same script), zip my mod and move it to the real minecraft location and launch the real miencraft from there. that seems a bit useles as i would need to also open the log every single time i want to see whats going on and it would take soo much longer to test then just launchign deobf (my compile time is fast but i know some peopel have 2+ minutes of compile time for miencraft)
  14. i dont think theres any
  15. Whats the shortest way to do it? make a script that: recompiles, reobfuscate + ? thanks guys ^^
  16. the eclipse plugin is at the same time the craziest things I've seen in my life (coding life ) and the worst curse you could give me. basicly the plugin will allot you to have a ASM view of the code and you can just kinda copy paste what you need WITHOUT knowing what you're doing(welll ... without knowing too much, you still have to understand what you're doing). ill end up doing whatever i want without ever exactly knowing what's going on in ASM ..... thanks mazetar
  17. and then force my mod users to download another library, thanks but ill stick with ASM, it works i jsut need to figure out how and why
  18. well actually, im not saying you should do this, but essentially i have a super small mod that changes the behavior of wood (so that when you break 1 wood block all other above break also) and this is how i did it. maybe in your case its a bad idea but depending on the goal its doable
  19. i was thinking to decide obfuscated or not pick a class (any class) use reflection to check if that class exists something like Class.forName("net.minecraft.block.Block") != null; (or is it throwing an exception if it cant find it? dont remember) if it doesnt find it try the same class with its obfuscated name (if it finds it you are in deob environnement) Class.forName("jd") != null;//i have no idea what Block class obfuscated name is btw, didnt bother to look in the configs if it finds it you are in obf envir, if it doesnt (and you have correct names) you're screwed would that work ?
  20. yeah i heard about that. i didnt start making a mapping but it looks easy enough is there any way to know if youre working a obfucsated/deobf environnement? (i didnt not search so fell free to tell me to look harder or look at the wili etc )
  21. oh shit my bad. i misread like crazy "i think youd be able to get the info" became "i thin id be able to get the info" so i tought you were gonna copy pasta some code my bad
  22. nah dont just copy paste from his mod into the forums, i can do that too i do it all the time for java newbie.
  23. we all agree that we shouldnt be downloading freeporn.exe from trolololtotallegitwarez.com. this removes 99% of the issue
  24. @pelep: i will deffinitely also check out that mod but yeah my hard coded things are usually one line it shoulnt be a problem to implement in asm can i pm you if i need more help? and the thing is, i understand in assembly what im supposed to be doing. i just cant seem to call the right bethods in the right order to realise what i want. so if i at least know what im doing i would be able to do the "extravagant" asm on my own without any problem
  25. well there can be, lex point is that its not forge responsability to do that. i do agree with him but that doesnt change the fact that it is an issue irl (not a big but its worth discussing)
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