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Everything posted by hydroflame

  1. we could also redirect the dropbox folder to check because if wedecompile we have the source
  2. decompiling java bytecode is super easy. the "hackers"/people with bad intention could too easilysimply change that
  3. @mazetar yea that would help a lot, thanks, at least i learned more about how the jvm works @pelep: dynamicly implement vanilla change that i had to hard code before list(maybe incomplete): block place/break event entity living heal event player right click event redirect visible equipped item in hand btw maybe some of those are new feature in recent forge version but they werent when i started coding (6-7 month ago) so i also need to check the latest event/feature to checkthat i still need asm/vanilla transforms to implement my mod correctly
  4. no i know they really look alike and they are super hard to read, play around with the value and see what effect is has
  5. can you also put the Gui you're using AND the GuiHandler instantiated in your main mod file ?
  6. so with the help of this guide http://download.forge.objectweb.org/asm/asm4-guide.pdf i was able to understand a bit more about how the JVM works and bytecode is assembled. (note i already did assembly in university before). Thing is everything i seem to try when visiting a method seems to result in a crash. I did search on the wiki to find a ASM tutorial and its only to change visibility of fields and methods, i need a bit more (make method call and load variable inside method) Is there anyone that make these kind of things that would share his knowledge with me ?
  7. this subject is actually very complicated so it would be hard to explain in a forum, but if you look at ChunkProviderAether.generateTerrain you should be able to find what you're looking for
  8. I'm not going to go into the details, but "noise" in this case is a set of randomly generated value that can output result that looks like terrain you shouldnt have to touch this unless you're doing something very very very very very very very very very specific, like very very very!!
  9. what to send, well the name you want to change
  10. [shadow=red,left][shadow=red,left]to send a packet check the wiki for packet handling[/shadow][/shadow]
  11. well you can always follow the stack trace btw..............
  12. to send a packet check the wiki for packet handling to send lines of code... i HIGHLY doubt you want to do that. so since you're asking the question im assuming the knowledge for this is WAY out of your reach and even if you knew how to do it you probably never want to do this as theres is SURELY another way
  13. for(int i = 0; i < 256; i++){ if(world.getBlockID(x, i, z) == 0){ return i; } } and or check that the block id is part of those you want to be considered max
  14. why dont you simply do a loop ? its not gonna kill anyone
  15. well that and ... you're using the same class for both item WITHOUT meta. you should be either using meta OR 2 different class
  16. thats okay, people who really want more security can always do things without requiring a new forge feature. i had a feeling that this was actually a big thing and i know you guys already have a lot on your hands.
  17. this post should be moved to the suggestion board
  18. welll .. you could have looked at the code directly (unless you dont ahve access from where you are) but it will return the first opaque bloc (aka leaves no, wood yes)
  19. yeah right, i forgot theres a thing in forge that kicks people with outdated version of the mod from server. but i kinda forgot that the signature and version can be different the other thing is, i dont think forge devs are really interrested in keeping that list updated (specially with the numbers of request they will get, people providing mods that aren't even completed and all). also, doesnt that mean that whoever is in charge of this will ahve to read through all the code to see if the developpers are "safe" ? because if someone for instance doesnt put his mod on the list, another person comes in and places malware in his mod and signs the jar then submit the mod on the list, that would bypass the whole system (maybe im just exagerating there)
  20. that was actually derp of me, its clearly NOT the private keys... *wtf was i thinking, must be the beers* but about that authentication server the thing is if we distribute the list with the forge theres 2 possibility, either we can only update our mods at the same time forge does, or we would need to update a freacking list every single time anybody updates his mod/amkes a new mod... auth server might be actually more efficient as we could make it so that the list is always up to date and the client wouldnt need to download a new list (comparing to the 2nd case)
  21. if i look at this class cpw.mods.fml.common.asm.FMLSanityChecker it seems that the keys are hardcoded in (maybe im wrong) so decompiling a mod, changing the key and recompiling, signing with the same key would unfortunately NOT be hard im not sure either this is intended to me or not :\ i would actually opt in for that and im even offering to host the server that would authenticate if you are serious about this
  22. yeah, its mostly why i didn't try anything with it at first .. and because jsut changing it in the code was way easier too thanks for the guide. i was looking at the wiki and wasnt sure were this was going.
  23. are you rendering the text AFTER the rest ? basicly if you render it first, the rest will show up in fron of it and you wont see it
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