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Forge Code God
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Posts posted by LexManos

  1. Do not fucking tripple post -.-

    Posting privilege revoked for 48 hours.

    This mod edits base classes, we do NOT support mods that edit base classes, THEY must support US.

    It is there choice to edit a base class when they do not need to, so it is on there head to be compatible with other things that edit base classes, esp, such widly used things as Forge.

    We can no be expected to be compatible with EVERY other base mod out there, so we are compatible with the large ones, and the smaller ones that nobody gives a fuck about must be compatible with us.

    Or, go bitch at them to stop[ editing base classes, I see no reason why they should.

  2. The forge API is very useful, for mods that want to use the Forge API.


    The forge API results in many changes to many base classes, so you have issues with mods that don't use forge. There is no layering, no parts, no separation, so you can't just use the subset of forge that you want/need. This means that many mods cannot work with other mods.

    No mod should EVER need to use a 'subset' of Forge.

    That's like saying that you don't like Bukkit because it is to big. You can't use a sub-set of bukkit.

    That's just fucking insane. If a mod is incompatible with us because they are editing baser classes, that is there problem.

    No MOD should never edit a base class. If it does, that is a failure on either the API's end or the Modder's end. Most likely the modder's.


    Whether or not Lex is "a prick" does affect the ability of users to use a mod.

    No, no it doesn't, If the end user follows direction and does what they say, then there is no issue.

    No user should ever come here with a installation issue. All installation issues are end-user issues and 100% user error.


    I do believe that Lex feels that the failure of users to learn is the fault of the users, and not the fault of the software makers/providers. I feel that that's the wrong view.
    How can you say that it is not the fault of the user?

    They are provided simple 1..2...3. steps to do things and they cant read and fuck it up. Its like saying its Kellogg's fault when you spill cheerios while pouring it into your bowl.

    No, it's yours.


    I do agree that there is no actual support team for Forge.

    I think that if you had people who signed up for support, and had to deal with users, they would quickly realize that design decisions made by Lex and Cpw are bad decisions that cause problems for the users, and they would try to get those decisions changed.

    Please god, tell me what design decision have we done to make it HARDER for the end user?

    90% of our design decisions have been done to make it SIMPLER for the end user. Not having to juggle 10 fucking things, not having to put every god damn mod into your jar. Not having to download 50 things just to get basic mods working. Not having to hope you counted textures right, or hope that mods play together.

    None of that shit has to be done anymore because of Forge/FML.


    So, once again tell me exactly how we have made the life of the end user HARDER?

    But that's the point: Since neither Lex nor Cpw truly provide support, and insist on changing how things are done (FML now deliberately breaks RML compatibility on mod loading), and no one else provides support, no one sees how bad the user experience is.
    Hahaha another point of evidence that you're talking out of your ass. FML does nothing but try to keep compatibility for ML's fucked up way of doing things. I am REALLY hoping that what you're referring to is the warning that pops up if you try to install FML and RML at the same time. Would you prefer the old way? Cryptic error messages that would require tons of digging and testing to figure out the true cause?

    And as long as the view is "Works for me", nothing gets better. Until the view is "Works for others", we have more of the same.
    So.. the 50,000 people who download forge every day, not to mention the4 hundreds of people I speak to on a daily baises through various channels. Or the dozens of modders I have constant contact with. It works for none of them? You're harping on the 1% of the userbase who is to fucking moronic to follow simple installation instructions. Sadly, people only ever speak out when they have an issue, so they are the only ones who you notice.


    Lex is cut from an extremely common cloth here on the interwebs.. Whether your's or his, arrogance and insecurity take on many forms when filtered through a keyboard and display. He has given immeasurable gifts to the modding community, so get over it.
    Its only arrogance if i'm wrong.
    He may not give the nicest responses in the world, ... That eats up a lot of time. And would eat up a lot more time if he went and sugarcoated everything.
    God you have no fucking idea how much of my time Forge eats up.

    On average, I spend about 12 hours a day working on forge, or its associated topics.

    Took a small vacation this last weekend for Kumoricon (yay Kumoricon!), which is why this thread has lasted this long.


    I probably answer the same fucking questions at least 100 times a day. I have to hold the hands of 12 year old 'modders' all day long. I get badgered by nothing but the lowest level of computer illiterate user all day long. I'm not a nice person, I don't like pandering to people who don't even try to help themselves. I don't cater to people who think they are tough shit because they copy/pasted code from a tutorial for obsidian tools.


    Go speak to the popular modders for Minecraft, iChun, cpw, Pahimar, CoverJaguire, Cojo, Direwolf(not modder but meh), Flora, RichardG, Searge, Sengir, Tahg, xComp, and the list goes on.

    Tell will all tell you the same thing. I am a dick, but I am right and i'm fair.

    As long as you come at me with something a bit more then '1+1' I'll help. But if you can't even figure out the fucking basics.

    Get the fuck off my forum.


  3. Yup, if a modder isn't stupid and does his mod correctly. Then the same exact code will work on the client and server, which means that he can bundle both in one.

    Case an point Forge, we edit a bunch of base classes, yet we're still able to make a universal distro.

    There is no valid reason a modder shouldn't be able to.

    And if he doesn't hes just making more work for himself :P

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