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Forge Modder
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Everything posted by SanAndreaP

  1. If you use modifiers to modify the SMA, then they WILL be sent to the client automatically, but ONLY if they are declared as watched with .setShouldWatch(true) . Health is shared by default, for example. I have a tutorial on the Attribute system here: http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,30137.0.html
  2. You need to call player.inventoryContainer.detectAndSendChanges(); after you add an item to the player's inventory to send the changes to the client.
  3. Try running gradlew cleanCache then gradlew setupDecompWorkspace --refresh-dependencies and see if that fixes the problem.
  4. You have a 1.8 mod in your mods folder. Remove it.
  5. Try to set the normal in the tessellator before drawing each plane. Look at renderBlockAnvilRotate() inside net.minecraft.client.renderer.RenderBlocks on how to set the normals correctly.
  6. For syncing the server player inventory with the client, just use the player container for that: player.inventoryContainer.detectAndSendChanges(); No need for custom packets!
  7. The only thing I can say is ask on the Thread of Optifine for help. And always provide logs (.minecraft/logs/fml-client-latest.log) via http://gist.github.com or a similar pastebin site.
  8. You ran out of memory. -Xmx512M The amount of memory you gave here is too low. I suggest at least 1.0 GB (~1000 MB) of memory.
  9. Duplicate Mods: ForgeRelocation : C:\Users\Joshua\Desktop\Minecraft server\mods\1.7.10\ForgeRelocation-1.7.10- ForgeRelocation : C:\Users\Joshua\Desktop\Minecraft server\mods\1.7.10\ForgeRelocation- MCFrames : C:\Users\Joshua\Desktop\Minecraft server\mods\1.7.10\ForgeRelocation-1.7.10- MCFrames : C:\Users\Joshua\Desktop\Minecraft server\mods\1.7.10\ForgeRelocation- The error is pretty obvious...
  10. I see Jurassicraft erroring: UCE jurassicraft{1.4.5} [JurassiCraft] (JurassiCraft-1.4.5.jar) (the 'E' in the 'UCE' stands for errored) Try without Jurassicraft installed. If it works then, it's a problem with Jurassicraft, so you'd need to report that to its author(s).
  11. Your domain (the part before the colons ':') is "testing", but the folder in your assets is called "testmod" The domain should ALWAYS be the mod ID, so should the name of the folder inside the assets folder.
  12. That's strange... Let's go through all of this to track this down: 1. What launcher are you using? 3rd Party launchers usually use their own directories, so the installer wont' work for them. 2. If you delete the launcher_profiles.json, does it re-appear after you've logged in again? 3. If yes, try to run either 1.8 or 1.7.10 (whichever you're trying to install forge on now) at least once. To do that, set the MC version of your user's profile to the version I've mentioned. If you've then booted up MC until the title screen, close it and try the installer again. 4. In your new launcher_profiles.json, it must have a node which looks like this: "profiles": { "A_PROFILE": { "name": "A PROFILE", "lastVersionId": "1.7.10", "launcherVisibilityOnGameClose": "keep the launcher open" } } Does yours look similar?
  13. Just use a text editor to open it...
  14. Wait, did you delete the profile or the file "launcher_profiles.json"?
  15. Oh, so you can alter it after the display is created... the more you know.
  16. You can't (I don't even think you could with ASM, as it's set when the window is created) EDIT: see below.
  17. What I can gather from the Installer Source, it tries to load the fields of the "profiles" node in your launcher_profiles.json, but it appears to be empty https://github.com/MinecraftForge/Installer/blob/master/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/installer/ClientInstall.java#L203 Try deleting your launcher_profiles.json, run the Minecraft Launcher and log in there, it should create a new (and correct) launcher_profiles.json. Then try to run the installers again (After closing the launcher of course).
  18. Yes, it's possible. The Snowball renders in 2D (look at RenderSnowball). I'd suggest you finish studying basic java (to the point you can make a simple program in it) and then look at how to make a basic mod in Forge. Tutorials on how to start can be found here: http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Basic_Modding http://jabelarminecraft.blogspot.de/ (that also gives you links to a couple more tutorial sites)
  19. Why the hell are you using such high IDs? ( 302942 ) The ID in registerModEntity is mod-specific, meaning you begin at 0 and count up for each entity.
  20. 1. There's no MC 1.8.7 version of Forge. It will automatically choose 1.8 for you if you use the 1.8 installer. 2. Try using the latest versions of Forge.
  21. Show your eula.txt. Is it next to the jar file?
  22. Seems like fastcraft is causing the error... I also see the cauldron server uses a quite outdated Forge version... Isn't there any updated version of the cauldron server you use? So either update your cauldron server (if possible) or remove fastcraft. PS: I used kcauldron to test my coremod with. Their version has somewhat updated Forge versions IIRC...
  23. If you really need to use floats for size and don't wanna scale it down, just: [*]Extend ModelBlock class in your own ModelBox (e.g. ModelBoxFloat), copy the code from the super constructor and make your own with float values instead of int values (don't forget to give those parameters sane names). See (1) for an example [*]Extend ModelRenderer class in your own ModelRenderer (e.g. ModelRendererFloat) and have it constructors matching the super constructors, like (2). Then make your own addBox methods mimicking the superclass methods, but instead you use ModelBoxFloat instead of ModelBox and float instead of int (e.g. (3)) 1 public ModelBoxFloat(ModelRenderer renderer, int textureX, int textureY, float xCoord, float yCoord, float zCoord, float sizeX, float sizeY, float sizeZ, float scale) { this.posX1 = xCoord; this.posY1 = yCoord; this.posZ1 = zCoord; this.posX2 = xCoord + sizeX; this.posY2 = yCoord + sizeY; this.posZ2 = zCoord + sizeZ; // rest of code } WARNING: 2 fields ( vertexPositions and quadList ) are private, meaning you'd need reflection to access them! (Or just override the render() method as well and use your own quadList field. AFAIK vertexPositions is never used anywhere outside of the constructor, so you can probably omit that) 2 public ModelRendererFloat(ModelBase model, int textureX, int textureY) { super(model, textureX, textureY); } 3 public void addBox(float xCoord, float yCoord, float zCoord, int p_78790_4_, float sizeX, float sizeY, float sizeZ, float scale) { this.cubeList.add(new ModelBoxFloat(this, this.textureOffsetX, this.textureOffsetY, xCoord, yCoord, zCoord, sizeX, sizeY, sizeZ, scale)); }
  24. Seems to be a problem with loading your world... I would first try removing CaveBiomes, if that works, report to the author. If not, try binary search: Take half of your mods out and start your server. If it's not crashing switch with the other half. Take half of that half and rinse-and-repeat until you find the mod causing the issue.
  25. 1. Do not PM me for help. A thread on the forums is enough. 2. Try disabling the new loading screen by setting enabled to false in config/splash.properties
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