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  1. So im making a mod for minecraft and i want to add custom fishing rods... aka fishing rods with different bait, depending on the bait you can have a higher chance of getting other fish. I want to make basically custom fishing rods with at least one custom loot table for each (so that i can choose which fish have a higher chance of being caught in a simpler way with said loot table) Problem is i dont know even where to start with doing this, like at all. Im very beginner with modding minecraft, any help (links to any source which could help me with this is also very helpful) would be great. 1.20 forge(of course)
  2. Minecraft Version: 1.8-1.20.X Forge Version: All (Tested on 49.0.27, and some others) Steps to Reproduce: Setup a server with IPV6 only Setup a docker container with forge Try to connect to the Forge Server Description of issue: Hello, I am reaching out to seek your expertise within this forum to clarify a technical situation I am encountering, suspecting a potential issue related to Forge in a Docker environment, specifically in an IPv6 context. Initial Configuration: Debian 12 server, configured exclusively for IPv6, with Docker installed. Using the Docker image ghcr.io/pterodactyl/yolks:java_17, launching a Minecraft Vanilla server version 1.20.4 proceeds without any issues. Problem: The issue arises when deploying a Minecraft Forge server version 1.20.4 with the same Docker image (ghcr.io/pterodactyl/yolks:java_17), where connecting to the server becomes impossible. Notably, this issue does not occur when launching outside of Docker, where the server functions as expected. Hypothesis: This situation leads me to question the interaction between Forge and Docker, particularly in an IPv6-only configuration, despite several resolution attempts (testing with different versions of Forge, adjusting container network configurations (, ::/0, and the server's ipv6), trials with various network settings, and modifications of Java options). Further testing was conducted with and without the use of the Pterodactyl game panel, unsuccessfully. The parameter -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=false also did not provide a solution. I tried to do the same things on multiple Minecraft server (include vanilla,spigot,fabric,sponge) and this work fine. The problem only happend with Forge. This issue seem to happend on all forge versions. I appreciate your time and assistance in advance.
  3. Ive been having a really hard time trying to solve what is causing my minecraft forge to crash when attempting to play, immediately after i press play it crashes. I deleted all my mods and currently have none in my mods folder so i know it has nothing to do with outdated mods or mods in general, its forge. I can still play vanilla minecraft. I have done the following: -reinstalled java -reinstalled forge -reinstalled minecraft launcher -deleting and reinstalling versions of minecraft -deleting and reinstalling forge for different versions of minecraft -deleted all mods -deleted my .minecraft folder then relaunching minecraft before launching forge again -turning off my firewalls then relaunching minecraft forge -giving more ram to the installation folder -changing the java pathway (so it is not using the bundled java)
  4. It would be great to have more tags available on the forum, especially for subforums like the modder_support forum. What is a tag? It is added to a post using the little box under the title input when creating a new forum post. Multiple tags can be added to a forum post to classify the intent of the question. This post has a tag, it is pretty useless in this context, I just wanted it to be there as an example. This could include: Version Numbers Solved Topics, i.e. Tile Entity NBT Rendering BlockStates Items Worldgen and so on. The Idea here is to increase consistency between posts, especially on the "Modder Support" board. Currently there are a lot of people who add a version number to their post title and a small portion even marks their posts as solved. But that could be a lot better. If you have any objections or suggestions feel free to leave a comment on this post.
  5. I'm not sure why, but whenver I run the command ./gradlew setDecompWorkspace, I get this error: ERROR: JAVA_HOME is set to an invalid directory: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_191\bin Please set the JAVA_HOME variable in your environment to match the location of your Java installation. I've added the JAVA_HOME variable under my System Environment Variables as this: JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_191\, my system path contains this: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_191\bin;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_191
  6. I'm trying to create a talent for DoggyTalents that has the dog produce a roar that has a certain AoE (Area of Effect) range and causes all entities that are extended from EntityMob to be stunned and take damage depending on how much the level of the talent itself. So far I have something like this but there are a few issues with it however: It only effects one mob at a time, instead of all of them at once The section that is uncommented now doesn't cause damage but produces the particles
  7. There is a WIP PR for documentation on this that has everything that is on this tutorial, and will soon have more such as Items and Entities. Here is a link to the PR. In this tutorial I will be explaining how to use the Animation State Machine or Forge's Animation System on a TileEntity, though this can be applied to Items or Entities as well. Let's start off easy, with the code for the Block, TileEntity and the binding of the TESR. Block TileEntity TESR Binding This is where the confusion comes from for the animation system. The armature and ASM JSON files. The ASM file has it's own "grammar" which is outlined by fry, here. This is a little vague so I will try to explain this a bit more, so that it is easier to understand with what I have come to know through my own attempts at using this system. Armature File ASM File Sample BlockState File I'm sure there are typos or possibly something I have missed or not explained well enough, so I would love some feedback even on formatting issues. I will also post my raw notes on this stuff that might contain extra information.
  8. Hello Modders! Sorry for my bad English I have Tile Entity that have working time and I have GUI with Progress Bar that need this working time. And I don't know how to do it. Pls help Block: *CLICK* Tile Entity: *CLICK* Container: *CLICK* GUI: *CLICK*
  9. Hello Modders! Please excuse me for my broken English)) I have a machine for processing iron bars in scrap metal. And when I run it - I have a strange bug with phantom items. See below on GIF. Help please with the code. I can not understand the problem. Block: *CLICK* Tile Entity: *CLICK* Container: *CLICK* GUI: *CLICK* GIF: *CLICK*
  10. This is something momentous I haven't attempted before but here goes nothing. I'm developing a skill for the dogs in DoggyTalents that would basically give the dogs ranged attacks. So the things I'm trying to work out are the following: Make the normal LeapAtTarget and my custom Ranged Attacks AI switch between each other. Whenever the dog's target comes within the normal range of the Leaping AI (in the code it says the distance of the target squared (d0) is 4.0 D<= d0 <= 16.0D Not sure how far this is in blocks however), then it will switch to the leaping ai and attack; while if the target is more than this range, then it will switch to the ranged attack ai and attack Have different "types" of ranged attacks. So, there would be different 'elements' that the attacks can feature and each respective element would use a specific entity for the actual projectile, such as fire (using a fireball or something like a dragon's breathe), water (potion bottle entity?), poison (dragon's breath possibly or the poison tipped arrow), ice (snowballs), physical (regular arrows/tipped arrows or a stone block). The elements can be switched around via items at the mastery level (which is level 5) There is a cooldown between each ranged attack. I already have a good idea on what to do with this but since the cooldown is only used Each attack shoot out differently and have different behaviors. For instance, the fire element is very similar to fire breath, so it shoots out a constant stream of fire particles or small fireballs, then it has a cooldown in between each breathe; ice is the exact same way. Poison and water is more a 'spitting' type of thing so it only shoots out one projectile and it lingers, basically how the Enderdragon's new magic breathe works. Physical is the exact same as a skeleton shooting an arrow. Each attack has a different effect as well. For instance, fire obviously burns entities, also would be cool if it burns the area around it as well. Ice and water can put out fires, however ice can turn water into ice blocks; water can leave behind a puddle of water. Poison obviously causes poison damage. and physical causes normal damage Some of the parts I already have started working on but those are the core aspects I need some advice on. If it helps, here is a link to the 1.12.2 source code (as that's the current version I'm working on).
  11. Hi, I just recently set up my workspace to feature multiple projects (in their respective folders) and I am wondering how I can get these two protects not only to run simultaneously, but also be able to use code from each other (i.e. I use methods from Project 1 to create a creature in Project 2 and so on.). I used this video by LexManos in order to setup everything, but I haven't been able to figure out how to make Eclipse accomplish these two tasks. Any idea what I can do?
  12. I'm trying to create a mod alongside with my main mod that stores some of the most used Forge methods (ie methods involving item creation, block creation, etc.). I'm also trying to avoid having the two mods complied together under the same zip folder whenever I compile the mods. I'm currently using the Eclipse IDE and Forge 1.12.2-
  13. Hello, I'm trying to render an entity with an OBJ model. The problem I'm having is that I'm not sure how to properly bind the texture for the model. I am currently using GlStateManager.bindTexture(#) but I do not know what # to use to have it properly bind the texture. I have tested various numbers for it and at one point 8 worked, and then at another point 9 worked. I would assume that the proper number changes as I add more textures to my mod and under different circumstances, and that using a static number is not the way to properly bind the texture. By not binding a texture, it renders properly most of the time, but often, when other entities are on the screen as well, it renders completely black or with a strange color theme. For example: Of course, the first thing I tried was actually binding the texture using Minecraft.getMinecraft().getTextureManager().bindTexture(new ResourceLocation(MODID, "textures/entity/texture.png")); and, while that does bind the texture, it seems to be scaled improperly. I also recall reading another post on a similar topic warning against using the TextureManager's bindTexture for rendering OBJ models. Here is the relevant rendering code, if it is of use: Does anyone know how to bind the texture properly?
  14. So I'm stuck on this silly problem. All I want is to render my .obj model in my TESR. Here's the back-story. I have a .obj model that I want to render in my TESR. The texture that I want to render on the model is determined by a 'type' enum that every tile entity holds. The reason why I'm using a TESR is that a few parts of the model should be rotated by some factors, etc. What am I supposed to do? What classes should I use to load the .obj file. I found a few tutorials, but most of them were outdated. Can someone give me any directions or some sources to base my code off?
  15. Hey guys! I just recently reset my entire computer and started to reinstall certain programs. This time, I plan on trying to slimline my IDEs (I had about 5 in total: Visual Studio Code, Visual Studio Community, IntelliJ, Eclipse, and Android Studio).The one I plan to converging everything under is Visual Studio Code, as I can add in different plugins to work with it, especially since I'm starting to use that IDE for developing my Powershell program to run my server. Just curious if I can squash down my several IDEs (with the exception of Android Studio) into one.
  16. Hi there! I have a block that HAS* to get its registry name changed but the thing is, it's going to ruin a lot of world-saves! Is it possible to change a registry name while the world loads? Here's what I have in mind: When you load a world, look for 'registryName1' in all block names (I think that block registry names are stored in something) and then replace it with 'registryName2'. Is there an event for something like that? * The block's registry name is used for a special mechanic, it's too complicated to explain what it does but the block's registry name HAS TO change.
  17. Well hello there I'm back with rendering-related questions. My main goal is to render my block that I'm about to place in the position it would be placed if I pressed right-click. Here's an example: say I'm looking in the distance, no block outlines are rendered. But, if I'm looking at e.g. dirt (which is near me), I would see it's bounding box (the black outline). If I were to place my block, it would be placed in front of that dirt block. What I want to do is to render my own block in that place (with a certain level of transparency), without actually placing it. I hope I explained it well enough for you to understand.
  18. I'm trying to revive this mod (Doggy Talents) that the author created about a year ago since everyone (including myself) has enjoyed it. The mod only got to 1.8.4 but stopped at that version, the author hasn't been on since. Since 1.8, many, many things in Minecraft as far as coding has changed (in addition to the fact that I haven't modded in nearly 3 years now), it's becoming a pain in the butt. So far I have gotten a good bit of the changes converted over becaused I compared the code with my previous works (Zero Quest, TetraCraft, and Cryogenic Library) however, there are still many problems I am encountering because of the major changes. I've complied up a list of current issues I'm having with updating the code, which is the following: Can't find an alternative method for StatCollector, which Doggy Talents utilizes for collecting and translating string components to text Adding Tile Entities to Blocks and the methods inside Tile Entities Adding custom block boundaries Getting the entity (i.e player) that is riding on another (i.e. horse) or entity (i.e. horse) that is being ridden on There might be more I'm missing, but I spot more I'll add onto this list. Also, here is the source code to the forked repository
  19. Hi, I'm currently struggling with the hole energy system stuff. I've worked myself so far into the Capabilities that I can work with the Tesla Energy system and Forge Energy system and I know that mods who support both have some kind of internal energy. My problem now is that I've got no idea how I can combine all the pieces of Forge Energy and Tesla Energy together, so that my machines can work with boths. And I definitly don't want to have thousands of lines twice just because if-else cases for checking the which energy system is used and stuff like that, because that would be very inefficient. Before someone now says, look into EnderIO because it does those things: I know that EnderIO has exectly what I want, that machines can support both energy systems, but even after looking into the forge docs and into the source code 20 times... I just don't understand why it is done there in that way and for what some of those methods are.... So I hope there is someone who can help me with getting all those pieces together. Thx in advance. Bektor
  20. So.... I've been working on this for a while and the longer I spend working on it, the more complicated it seems to get. I'm attempting to make a gear. I made a model in blender and put it in the proper location and everything and set it up to load the OBJ for the block. It works fine and the model is loading great when I place it into the world. Now, I want to be able to add the functionality of the gear (make it face different directions based on how it's placed, make it rotate based on it's TE's rotation property, draw a shaft connected to the gear if it should have one, etc..) and I'm thinking the only way I'll be able to pull this off is if I use a TESR. However, I'm not sure how I can render an OBJ model in a TESR. I found an old tutorial from 1.7.10 but it was using AdvancedModelLoader, which no longer exists. If anyone has any experience with this or knows how it may be done, or has a simpler way of accomplishing it, please let me know. Thank you!
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