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player.inventory in Version 1.18 not working?


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So i'm pretty new to modding, but i want to add a feature to an item, that gives the player another item into the inventory whenever he uses it on a specific block.

I already have a mecanism that detects the block and stuff but the player.inventory.addItemStackToInventory(new ItemStack(Items.ITEM)); function is not working. Is it because of 1.18?

Or am I using it wrong?

This is the code I use, partially copied from the internet XD

	public InteractionResultHolder<ItemStack> use(Level world, Player player, InteractionHand hand) {
		if (!world.isClientSide()) {
			System.out.println(player.getName().getString() + " used Item lul.");
		    boolean isFluid = false;
		    HitResult block =  player.pick(20.0D, 0.0F, isFluid);
		     if(block.getType() == HitResult.Type.BLOCK)
		        BlockPos blockpos = ((BlockHitResult)block).getBlockPos();
		        BlockState blockstate = player.level.getBlockState(blockpos);
		        System.out.println("Looking at: "+blockstate.getBlock()+"\nIs Fluid: "+isFluid+"\nPosition= "+ blockpos.getX() + ", " + blockpos.getY() + ", " + blockpos.getZ());
		        if (blockstate.getBlock() == Blocks.OBSIDIAN)
		        	player.inventory.addItemStackToInventory(new ItemStack(Items.BOWL));
		return super.use(world, player, hand);


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7 minutes ago, diesieben07 said:

Basic Java knowledge is required obviously.

Yeah I'm kinda trying to pick that up on my way...

Can't you just tell me real quick if it's that obvious?

Or do you have a tip for optaining said basic knowledge?

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Use "getinventory()" instead of "inventory"

If you go in the player class, you will see that it say "public static" instead of "private" private can only be seen in one class, so use the "getInventory"

Edited by Azarsra
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For example getInventory() is public, and at the beginning of your code, it says public, which means you can use it in other classes, but if you switch that to private, it will not be able to be used in other classes. I hope you understand that.

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I am aware of how public and private works, however, I don't know where I can see/change it. I believe it is in that class System, in already set up code by forge, right?

I am familiar with other languages and Java has some interesting new mechanics...

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51 minutes ago, Hannos said:

I am currently working with eclipse

You can ctrl-click on class and function names on eclipse to get to the source. Additionally, you can find the whole source in your project browser.

52 minutes ago, Hannos said:

is that a good choice?

This is just preference. I like eclipse but I don't know if you do.

Sorry if my Posts are weird sometimes, I just try to help and learn as much as I can :D

Also: PLEASE use SPOILERS for logs!

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please, stop. do not use access transformers.   (and, i managed to say that in nice small lowercase letters)


only use access transformers if you satisfy two conditions:
1) you understand why original developers made the field private and/or final.
2) you reasonably expect that changing that will not break anything.

can you tell us that you understand why inventory field was made private and final?

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16 hours ago, MFMods said:

please, stop. do not use access transformers.

Yeah, I expected that I would get into trouble if I did...


16 hours ago, MFMods said:

 (and, i managed to say that in nice small lowercase letters)

Well, thank you!


16 hours ago, MFMods said:

can you tell us that you understand why inventory field was made private and final?

No, I cannot (without lying)

Can you tell me?

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1 hour ago, Luis_ST said:

because there is a getter for the inventory

Ok, but if I look at the code, it literally says:

   public Inventory getInventory() {
      return this.inventory;

It is currently unclear to me, why there is a getter for it when all it does is returning the inventory field itself.

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4 hours ago, Hannos said:

for it when all it does is returning the inventory field itself.

Because you can't access inventory there's a getter that "gets" it for you

Sorry if my Posts are weird sometimes, I just try to help and learn as much as I can :D

Also: PLEASE use SPOILERS for logs!

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13 hours ago, Hannos said:

It is currently unclear to me, why there is a getter for it when all it does is returning the inventory field itself.

they forced users of the Player class to access inventory through getter. so, you can write
but you can not write 
      player.inventory = myInventoryThatIJustCreated
and break everything.  Actually, you can. just use access transformers.

Edited by MFMods
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  • 2 months later...
On 3/27/2022 at 4:51 AM, diesieben07 said:

Except it doesn't help you at all. You now just copied this without understanding why this is the case. Next time you have a similar problem you'll have to ask the same question again. You must learn basic Java before writing a mod. It is a necessary prerequisite. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200.

There's a way to show people the error in their ways, without being an elitist asshole. 

This is not that way. 

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