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Handsaw Item


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Hi im a nobe and i know it.


Im working on a small mod thats based on Forge.

I want to add an item that takes damage when used in a crafting recipe like the handsaws from redpower.

I read that its uses Forge to function. I looked for something that could do that in the source files, google, Forge Wiki but i cant find anything.


Please If you know how to do it please tell me or point me in the right direction.




Hi do annubody know how it works on 1.4?



(Sorry For my Spelling)

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hey, i am looking for some healp in the same thing like the author.


i looked in the ICraftingHandler, but i dont understand how it works :( do i have to create a ItemTool with this handler implemented?


and then make it like:


stack.setItemDamage(stack.getItemDamage() - 1);




Developing CocktailsMod :)

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After mining (get it :)) through the source code for half a day (not to be provd of :)) I at last came up with a method which does what you want (and so do I).




This is a code which was a result of a half a day of reading through the internet so it's not writen well. Also... if you can rewrite in a better state then do that and post it here please. So here goes:



        public void takenFromCrafting(EntityPlayer e, ItemStack item, IInventory m)
        	for(int i=0; i<m.getSizeInventory(); i++)
        		if(m.getStackInSlot(i) != null)
        			ItemStack j = m.getStackInSlot(i);
        			if(j.getItem() != null && j.getItem() == this.pickSapphire)
        				ItemStack k = new ItemStack(pickSapphire, 2);
        				k.damageItem(j.getItemDamage() + 1, e);
        				m.setInventorySlotContents(i, k);




I think I also have some explaining to do :)


1. This goes in the mod_xxx.java

2. For loop loops through the slots in the current inventory (crafting table/inventory crafting space) looking for the item stated in the if statement

3. Now this is the stupid part but I couldn't find a better way... The truth is that takenFromCrafting is called before the ingredients are destroied or at least that is what I've found (Lex?) that is why you have to make an ItemStack of two Items so that one is destroied and the other stays in the grid

4. this in the if statement is the BaseMod class or the class having your item defined in

5. Then is just the damage calculation depending on the ingredient (Item)


This is it :) If you have some more questions be sure to ask and I'll respond asap.


Have fun, JKK.


EDIT: Eloraam if you see this, would you mind not die because of laughing :) Maybe even supply us with your code? (not begging ofc)


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Thats actually quite similar to how El does it.

Except instead of creating a new ItemStack like a berp, she just edits the ItemStack instance.





As for this line:

if(j.getItem() != null && j.getItem() == this.pickSapphire)

the PROPER line should be:

if(j != null && j.getItem() == this.pickSapphire)

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
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Thats actually quite similar to how El does it.

Except instead of creating a new ItemStack like a berp, she just edits the ItemStack instance.





As for this line:

if(j.getItem() != null && j.getItem() == this.pickSapphire)

the PROPER line should be:

if(j != null && j.getItem() == this.pickSapphire)

Thank you for the respons Lex. Tbh I was trying out the solution that you first stated (++) but at that time I didn't know I need 2 stacks so I thought it somehow isn't working. For the second one... makes sence to use it that way.

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Do not specify a damage value for it in the recipe and it will use all.


My recipe:

ModLoader.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(DecPlanks, 4, 2),new Object[]{
Block.planks,Block.planks,Block.planks,Block.planks, Item.axeGold


I can only use the golden axe once in the recipe, because when its damaged after the first time I use it in the recipe Its not new hence I cant use it anymore this is very frustrating. btw JKK, because you got it working, can you please help me out? I need this! Thank you!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Was Reading this and i was trying to get this working but i did something wrong. I got errors on the e and m's


After i pieced together what the comments said and i got it to this.



    for(int i=0; i<m.getSizeInventory(); i++)


    if(m.getStackInSlot(i) != null)


    ItemStack j = m.getStackInSlot(i);

    if(j != null && j.getItem() == this.Test)


    ItemStack k = new ItemStack(Test, 2);

    k.damageItem(j.getItemDamage() + 1, e);

    m.setInventorySlotContents(i, k);







What are wrong?!?!

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