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DamageSource.getEntity() always null


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5 minutes ago, Yario said:

@diesieben07so its impossible to have an event fired when somebody hit me and to know who hit me?

As a client only mod?

Yes. It is impossible.

Apparently I'm a complete and utter jerk and come to this forum just like to make fun of people, be confrontational, and make your personal life miserable.  If you think this is the case, JUST REPORT ME.  Otherwise you're just going to get reported when you reply to my posts and point it out, because odds are, I was trying to be nice.


Exception: If you do not understand Java, I WILL NOT HELP YOU and your thread will get locked.


DO NOT PM ME WITH PROBLEMS. No help will be given.

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3 hours ago, Differentiation said:

My mod is client-side only??? Minecraft provides you with both sides.

I don't understand what is the problem...

@Differentiation, you're missing how mods are used. It is possible for people to make mods that only get applied to one side. For example, if I wanted to have my client render everything in pink for some reason there is no reason for the server to apply the mod. In the @Mod annotation you can indicate that it doesn't need to be on both side.  Or on the server side you might want to change the way saving is handled, which the client wouldn't need to know about.


The ability to make client-only mods is important because you wouldn't want to make a server administrator have to apply every mod that every player might want on their client.


Now in most cases what you can do on one side is extremely limited, so yes in many cases (including the one discussed in this thread) both the server and client need to be involved. 

Edited by jabelar
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7 hours ago, Yario said:

@diesieben07so its impossible to have an event fired when somebody hit me and to know who hit me?

So the way it works is that when the server processes an attack it updates the client with an SPacketEntityStatus packet. Unfortunately, it is implemented in a very minimalistic way, presumably for performance reasons. So there is a single byte value sent for the status. The codes are handled on the client side by the Entity#handleStatusUpdate() method. Since only a byte is transferred, only a few special types of damage are called out based on the need for client effects. For example, DamageSource.FIRE, DROWN and ENCHANT_THORNS_HIT have distinct codes and all other types of damage are considered DamageSource.GENERIC (and this is instantiated on the client side so no additional information like the attacking entity is included).


So without a server-side mod it is very difficult to figure things out on the client side. I don't think it is entirely impossible to figure it out or at least make a good guess. For example, you could probably try to detect colliding entities and look at where they are in their attack sequence and such. But it would be a lot of work and probably not perfectly accurate in cases where lots of things are simultaneously happening.


What could be done is that you could create a pull request on MinecraftForge to add a packet type where actual damage source is transferred and processed separately from entity status updates. Since damage is a relatively rare event I think having a more verbose packet would not hurt. If you figured out a solid way to implement it and that got accepted then future versions of Forge would support client-only damage interpretation. Since it is admittedly a useful thing to know for modding, it might get accepted.

Edited by jabelar
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14 minutes ago, jabelar said:

So the way it works is that when the server processes an attack it updates the client with an SPacketEntityStatus packet. Unfortunately, it is implemented in a very minimalistic way, presumably for performance reasons. So there is a single byte value sent for the status. The codes are handled on the client side by the Entity#handleStatusUpdate() method. Since only a byte is transferred, only a few special types of damage are called out based on the need for client effects. For example, DamageSource.FIRE, DROWN and ENCHANT_THORNS_HIT have distinct codes and all other types of damage are considered DamageSource.GENERIC (and this is instantiated on the client side so no additional information like the attacking entity is included).


So without a server-side mod it is very difficult to figure things out on the client side. I don't think it is entirely impossible to figure it out or at least make a good guess. For example, you could probably try to detect colliding entities and look at where they are in their attack sequence and such. But it would be a lot of work and probably not perfectly accurate in cases where lots of things are simultaneously happening.


What could be done is that you could create a pull request on MinecraftForge to add a packet type where actual damage source is transferred and processed separately from entity status updates. Since damage is a relatively rare event I think having a more verbose packet would not hurt. If you figured out a solid way to implement it and that got accepted then future versions of Forge would support client-only damage interpretation. Since it is admittedly a useful thing to know for modding, it might get accepted.

The first paragraph sounds like something no-one will like to do. Instead, I think it is best for OP to allow a server-side mod. Server-side is useful for SO many things, I don't understand why you would not like to have it, ESPECIALLY when you use LivingAttackEvent... one should 100% know that that has to have server-side running >.>

This is just my opinion.


And I have another question:

What is client thread's role in LivingAttackEvent. Shouldn't it be a server event only?

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Just now, Differentiation said:

The first paragraph sounds like something no-one will like to do. Instead, I think it is best for OP to allow a server-side mod. Server-side is useful for SO many things, I don't understand why you would not like to have it, ESPECIALLY when you use LivingAttackEvent >.>

This is just my opinion.

The first paragraph is the way it actually works. I'm not suggesting something. I'm describing the Minecraft actual design.


The mod has to be client-side because it isn't our server and so we have no ability to add a mod to it.


This is for multi-player servers. Like if you wanted to join a MinePlex server. How would you possibly get them to put your mod on their server? That makes no sense.


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1 minute ago, jabelar said:

The first paragraph is the way it actually works. I'm not suggesting something. I'm describing the Minecraft actual design.


The mod has to be client-side because it isn't our server and so we have no ability to add a mod to it.


This is for multi-player servers. Like if you wanted to join a MinePlex server. How would you possibly get them to put your mod on their server? That makes no sense.

Ahh, I see. I never knew that there could be a client mod and a server mod and common (both) mod. Now I know the differences. Thanks!

And I have another question:

What is client thread's role in LivingAttackEvent. Shouldn't it be a server event only?

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2 minutes ago, Differentiation said:

What is client thread's role in LivingAttackEvent. Shouldn't it be a server event only?

To be honest, the division between the logic running on each side can be a bit murky. In this case the LivingAttackEvent may still have some use on the client side but it admittedly is less useful due to the much less information about the damage source. Overall though processing the event on the client side would only be useful for visual or audio effects, since any lasting game logic (such as modifying the actual attack) has to happen on the server.

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3 minutes ago, jabelar said:

To be honest, the division between the logic running on each side can be a bit murky. In this case the LivingAttackEvent may still have some use on the client side but it admittedly is less useful due to the much less information about the damage source. Overall though processing the event on the client side would only be useful for visual or audio effects, since any lasting game logic (such as modifying the actual attack) has to happen on the server.

Ah, I see.

So sorry, I never really fully understand client and server-side, it is very ambiguous and confusing at times. :/

I created a new thread with a question about sides and method calling. I didn't get an answer yet D:

Would you mind helping out?

it's called [1.10.2] Side threads running. I basically ask: if I call a method in a server-side method, will the contents in that method run on the server-side, client-side, or both?

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