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1 hour ago, loordgek said:

what do you mean by that

i mean with that are there stuff what java cant do?


I agree with other people said about learning java first, but as a beginner I think it's hard to learn modding because there aren't many tutorials and most of them are incomplete

yeah there are absolutely no tutorials on youtube on how to get a private value with forge


1) Stop double/triple posting. People will respond to you when then can/want.

2) There are TONS of tutorials out there randing from java basics, {MIT has a really nice full course in video format for free} to Forge specific ones. Tho those tend to be in text format.

What I would suggest, is that you find someone who can write the mod you want RIGHT NOW for you. And then you spend some time yourself learning the basics of Java before attempting to write a mod.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon

Posted (edited)
23 minutes ago, LexManos said:

1) Stop double/triple posting. People will respond to you when then can/want.

2) There are TONS of tutorials out there randing from java basics, {MIT has a really nice full course in video format for free} to Forge specific ones. Tho those tend to be in text format.

What I would suggest, is that you find someone who can write the mod you want RIGHT NOW for you. And then you spend some time yourself learning the basics of Java before attempting to write a mod.

ok but i will maybe tomorrow get a book for java! and if i have made i simple prototype 2D game in java i will then try to mod minecraft again does that sound good? but i am not gonne start making a game i am first going to make simple programs like a JFrame with a button that will restart your pc

Edited by Crazy_sheep

There is a ever popular route of making a calculator.

Again, crawl before you walk, walk before you run.

Making a game/game content can be a end goal, but you need to understand the basics. 


I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon

Posted (edited)

Here; Let me provide some insight, since this seems to be from two people who learned Java first against someone who doesn't know Java very well.


I personally have never learned a coding language before diving into a project; I find fun in learning as I go. If I need to figure out how to do something, I either google or post on some kind of forum. I know this isn't best practice, and I know that it is highly discouraged.


If you know C++, then Java should be easy. Look for patterns. Watch modding tutorials. Or, start out learning Swing. I promise, if you just try, if you put in effort, if you sit there and make connections, that most coding languages can become very easy. I started out with RBX.Lua, which is a special adaptation of Lua for Roblox. I had no clue what I was doing. I watched some tutorials, and figured it out within a month. Patterns can become very apparent within Lua in general.


For learning how to mod Minecraft, learn Java an all of a sudden it's a breeze is pretty bad advice. Sure, it makes it 75% easier, but that's it. You're only 75% there. That's like only following 75% of the instructions to build a nuclear (fission) reactor without having built one before. You're bound to fail. I've seen on countless threads around the internet, and having learned Java along my journey, can attest that Minecraft Java is 99% different from regular Java. Yes, as you put it, Minecraft modding is "so damn hard." Just saying that Minecraft modding is 100% Java is a false claim, too. Setting up your modding workspace and using it requires knowledge of Gradle too, and a pretty good understanding of how Minecraft works in some situations.


Minecraft modding is also "so damn hard" because it has to be so versatile. Some people just want to make a minimap mod, and some want to make the next Mekanism or Thaumcraft. Some people want to make AppleSkin, while others want to make VoxelMap. Some people want to make mods like MrCrayFish's Furniture Mod. There are so many different things that people want to make and do, and, in order to allow for it all, modding has to be "so damn hard." There is no in-between. If you're looking for an easy way around (AKA not doing much of the work yourself) with negative consequences, check out MCreator (for now, as the dev is in the same situation as Anzor). That said, I do not recommend MCreator for anyone looking to distribute a serious mod. MCreator may be great for someone looking to make a mod between friends, but it is not for making your Applied Energistics 2  (though I prefer Refined Storage, it has fewer mechanically impressive features, like Certus Quartz growth).

Edited by GamingZacharyC
Changed an "i" to an "o" because of typos

I am a new modder, and will make frequent mistakes. Please do not hesitate to point any out, or suggest a better method.






3 hours ago, Crazy_sheep said:

i mean with that are there stuff what java cant do?

There Are Always Stuff Something Cant Do. With C++ C# They Cant Do Everything Like Java, Also Please Be Specific

Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, ZombiexReaperx said:

There Are Always Stuff Something Cant Do. With C++ C# They Cant Do Everything Like Java, Also Please Be Specific

Can you stop capitalizing every word?

Edited by Danebi
15 hours ago, Danebi said:

Can you stop capitalizing every word?

I am sorry that I am bad at English(I am Dutch)

17 hours ago, ZombiexReaperx said:

There Are Always Stuff Something Cant Do. With C++ C# They Cant Do Everything Like Java, Also Please Be Specific

but a way around this is to run a external file like for example: like java cant restart your pc(yes it can but this is just a example) you can make java run a external file of C++ or another script language

18 hours ago, GamingZacharyC said:

Here; Let me provide some insight, since this seems to be from two people who learned Java first against someone who doesn't know Java very well.


I personally have never learned a coding language before diving into a project; I find fun in learning as I go. If I need to figure out how to do something, I either google or post on some kind of forum. I know this isn't best practice, and I know that it is highly discouraged.


If you know C++, then Java should be easy. Look for patterns. Watch modding tutorials. Or, start out learning Swing. I promise, if you just try, if you put in effort, if you sit there and make connections, that most coding languages can become very easy. I started out with RBX.Lua, which is a special adaptation of Lua for Roblox. I had no clue what I was doing. I watched some tutorials, and figured it out within a month. Patterns can become very apparent within Lua in general.


For learning how to mod Minecraft, learn Java an all of a sudden it's a breeze is pretty bad advice. Sure, it makes it 75% easier, but that's it. You're only 75% there. That's like only following 75% of the instructions to build a nuclear (fission) reactor without having built one before. You're bound to fail. I've seen on countless threads around the internet, and having learned Java along my journey, can attest that Minecraft Java is 99% different from regular Java. Yes, as you put it, Minecraft modding is "so damn hard." Just saying that Minecraft modding is 100% Java is a false claim, too. Setting up your modding workspace and using it requires knowledge of Gradle too, and a pretty good understanding of how Minecraft works in some situations.


Minecraft modding is also "so damn hard" because it has to be so versatile. Some people just want to make a minimap mod, and some want to make the next Mekanism or Thaumcraft. Some people want to make AppleSkin, while others want to make VoxelMap. Some people want to make mods like MrCrayFish's Furniture Mod. There are so many different things that people want to make and do, and, in order to allow for it all, modding has to be "so damn hard." There is no in-between. If you're looking for an easy way around (AKA not doing much of the work yourself) with negative consequences, check out MCreator (for now, as the dev is in the same situation as Anzor). That said, I do not recommend MCreator for anyone looking to distribute a serious mod. MCreator may be great for someone looking to make a mod between friends, but it is not for making your Applied Energistics 2  (though I prefer Refined Storage, it has fewer mechanically impressive features, like Certus Quartz growth).

yeah MCreator is very limited and I am not so good at public and private and static and that stuff I don't really know what static does and other stuff you can do with public and private

19 hours ago, LexManos said:

There is a ever popular route of making a calculator.

Again, crawl before you walk, walk before you run.

Making a game/game content can be a end goal, but you need to understand the basics. 


yeah I said that I will first learn the basics of java and after that try to make a very simple game(or simulation)


Unless you have good advice, and I say this as a random person on the internet (I do not know Crazy_sheep), please do not berate Purple Shep (reference, to those who did not get it) any longer. He has set out a course and path for himself to learn Java, make a small game prototype, and then look at modding MC. He does not deserve, or, I'd be willing to bet want, any more trouble (though, he did almost literally ask for trouble in the beginning). He has good advice, though in the form of being put down 😉.

I am a new modder, and will make frequent mistakes. Please do not hesitate to point any out, or suggest a better method.






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