No no yes. The only restrictions are it has to be lower case, only certain character; I believe alphanumeric and underscores allowed, and 64 or less characters. Though you shouldn't abbreviate too much like gm, fr, or ae.
We will be making an announcement about it when we can. The current state is that it means almost nothing for us. As the license doesn't allow for us to actually USE this information.
We are waiting to hear back from Mojang's legal team {This is all stuff they could of answered before the public announcement by asking us, but whatever}
Keep an eye on Github/Twitter and we'll keep you updated.
I also tried to update to 28.0.91. However it couldn't find the download and when I switched back to the older version it couldn't find that. I think there is a problem with the download servers. It should be fixed here soon.
That's because they haven't been implemented in 1.14 forge , yet(I assume). They are currently commented out in the source code under the forge section. You'll have to use Reflection like Draco18s has so helpfully provided an example for.
If you want to remove an item from a pool knowing only the item:
You need reflection.
(Note: that removes it from all pools, you may wish to only remove from the main pool, from a pool by name, or...)
This returns the modid(both of our mistakes). You need to use getPath. Also just canceling the event will cause all of the drops for the iron_golem to not drop. So maybe try to remove the pool for the iron ingots instead.
That's because the ResourceLocation given by getName has a folder in the path IE entities/iron_golem. Also the namespace is the file name not the item it drops. You'll have to look at the LootTable/LootPool(s).