Assign their values when they are being registered.
For example
public static Item TEST_ITEM = null;
public static void registerItems(RegistryEvent.Register<Item> event)
TEST_ITEM = new Item();
I found what i was looking for. It was very simple. This is the code if anyone else ever needs it.
mc.playerController.processRightClick(mc.player,, EnumHand.MAIN_HAND);
You need to change the render type to either cutout/cutout mipped(if there's no transparency) or transparent(if there is) via RenderTypeLookup::setRenderLayer. If you're model also isn't a full cube, you should adjust the VoxelShape (via Block::getShape) as well so it encapsulates only the space your model takes up.
In your registries 😞 like this event.getRegistry().register(new TableBRUUUHBlock(Block.Properties.create(Material.IRON).sound(SoundType.STONE)).setRegistryName("furnmod", "table"));
Make a separate class for your table block (or a class which only extends to Block class and calls this method so if you would add more blocks like this you can extend those to that class so they would automatically get rendered in the correct way but i would make separate classes) or a much better solution rather than just using the render type method make voxel shapes matching your block's model it would also make your blocks looking a lot better (in my opinion)
Simply delete the Example mod package in your src/main/java/com it should fix it i mean the Example mod folder isn't even used for anything it's only there as an example (of course XD) so just delete it and it should be fine you wouldn't use the Example mod folder anyway.