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Everything posted by DaemonUmbra

  1. I would suggest getting a dedicated graphics card so your CPU and RAM aren't pulling double-duty
  2. I don't know what you used to post the log here, but next time please upload the log to a paste site, this is horrible to look at with all the formatting removed One of your server configs is failing to load properly, if you have not modified it delete ironfurnaces-server.toml
  3. Did you download the server-specific files for the pack or did you copy the mods from the client and hope?
  4. 1.12 is no longer supported on this forum. Please update to a modern version of Minecraft to receive support.
  5. How are you starting the server? If you're using scripts, please provide them
  6. First I suggest re-doing your repositor(y/ies) to take advantage of git branches and to separate your projects properly Second, do you understand the code you copied?
  7. 1.12 is no longer supported on this forum. Please update to a modern version of Minecraft to receive support.
  8. Reporting a RAM issue without giving hard numbers isn't all that helpful if I'm honest, can you run a Java profiler or something?
  9. Optifine not being compatible with Forge is not on Forge to fix. Regardless, please refer to Optifine's changelog for compatibility information (I believe one or more of their pre-releases has tentative support)
  10. Can you identify what about Forge isn't "Working Correctly" for you? Can you be more specific about what error you might be recieving?
  11. Please remove _JAVA_OPTIONS from your environment variables and disregard whatever tutorial told you to create it... What Forge version did you install?
  12. You just use a Vanilla Profile (Mojang calls them "Installations" in the launcher) to run Vanilla
  13. It's not so much a problem with Forge as it is a problem with the way the JPMS (Java Platform Module System) works. To use it properly Forge needs to have users run the server with rather complicated (and oversized) JVM args which just about no user will be able to write properly, so Forge generates and packs in the necessary scripts to do this.
  14. Looks like an issue with unique enchantments, check for updates and if you're running the latest version report the issue to the author
  15. This sounds like one of your mods has debugging code left it in, try using a Binary Search to find out which one
  16. 1.12 is no longer supported on this forum. Please update to a modern version of Minecraft to receive support.
  17. Oh I misread... that's the mod author not the mod... it's an issue with resourceful bees
  18. Use different Game Directories to keep versions separate, this will help with mod and save separation
  19. 1.12 is no longer supported on this forum. Please update to a modern version of Minecraft to receive support.
  20. Please provide debug.log (more info on where it is and how to provide it can be found in my signature below)
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