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Everything posted by GotoLink

  1. The manifest should point to your IFMLLoadingPlugin implementation. This interface changed recently with a new direct getter for the access transformer class. Given the way AccessTransformer is written, it is meant to point at the file passed through its constructor. Thus you only need to do that. IClassTransformer implementations are still loaded the same as before.
  2. Something is wrong with your jar. Check it for missing classes and/or wrong packages.
  3. Did you change build.gradle ? It looks like dependencies are wrong.
  4. You should extends ItemBow and EntityArrow.
  5. @Override public void func_150895_a(Item par1, CreativeTabs par2CreativeTabs, List par3List) { for (int x = 0; x < 2; x++) { par3List.add(new ItemStack(this, 1, x)); } I shouldn't have to explain why you have two items in creative inventory.
  6. Have a look at my github repository, some of my mods are updated.
  7. Worst key handler ever. It doesn't do anything. Move the night vision code into the key handler. Check that the player is wearing the helmet before doing anything. Eventually send packets if effect should be server side.
  8. @Instance public static SimpleMachines instance; Missing the modid in the annotation.
  9. Look at the EntityWolf interaction code.
  10. Since you are using the tamed flag, you can use it to check if you already used an apple on the mob.
  11. You can't compare ItemStack instances this way. Use the comparators defined within the ItemStack class.
  12. You didn't realize this is wrong ? If you make a server only mod, it isn't supposed to have a client part at all. Doesn't make sense to me. Your "Server Mod Only" actually works like a Universal mod, and thus you don't need a "Client Mod Only", since you can merge it in the first one. If "put on client mod" means installing it, you can't do that. It isn't possible to download and install a mod without restarting the game.
  13. Man, stop the whining. You are obviously the only one failing to follow the instructions. Start again and try to find where you missed it.
  14. LivingSpawnEvent isn't posted for players. Try the PlayerLoggedInEvent ?
  15. Both didn't change.
  16. There is a simple way to read the NBT tags from any tileentity, have an example: NBTTagCompound tags = new NBTTagCompound(); tileentity.writeToNBT(tags); System.out.println(tags);//debug here You can also use readFromNBT to actually change some data within the tileentity, but it isn't recommended.
  17. Dude, register the block in FMLPreInit stage. This is standard since 1.5 at least.
  18. System.out.println(some-useful-information-here) or breakpoints.
  19. I hope your teleportation code isn't in a client side only class. You should look into the ender pearl code, it is pretty straight forward.
  20. You might want to use ItemRenderer.renderItemIn2D
  21. You can use the GameData.itemRegistry, if you are afraid of using the other one.
  22. Simply add the right itemstack to the subitems list for the creative menu. Put the right itemstack in generated chest. Put the right itemstack in the crafting recipe. That is why all those use ItemStack instead of Item. There is no item default damage, that is the ItemStack's.
  23. I guess so... You could use the GuiOpenEvent to perform the item timer catch up a bit sooner. Or if it is something extremely important, use the loaded tile entities list in world, with a world tick, to "tick" their content yourself.
  24. You could compare with the world time. The item timer would catch up to the real value as soon as you take it from the chest, and gets destroyed/unusable/whatever.
  25. You can use the LivingSpawnEvent to check for EntitySheep and add to its task list your AI tasks.
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