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Everything posted by GotoLink

  1. 1. They have a javadoc, no need for anything else. 2. Lots of tutorial for that out there, it didn't change since 1.3. 3. Didn't change since...I began Minecraft modding. 4. There is nothing in Minecraft nor Forge doing this. Do it however you want, it is complete freedom here. 5. That is a basic topic. Don't know how you can code anything in Minecraft without knowing this already. Search for NBTTagCompound in Minecraft source.
  2. Block.field_149771_c.getObject(String) Gets a block instance from its internal name. There is also "Blocks" class for all vanilla blocks.
  3. gameevent.TickEvent
  4. Probably because you are returned a default string if there is none. You should use hasKey(String) instead.
  5. That looks like the cauldron.
  6. public BlockVillage(int par1) { super(par1, Material.iron); this.nameNumber = (int) Math.floor(this.townNames.length * Math.random()); } A block is only created once in the entire game. You should decide the name when the block is placed. You have only 8 town names, you could use metadata and change the meta values.
  7. Probably because you are supposed to use EntityRegistry instead of EntityList.
  8. In IClassTransformer, use "transform(String,String, byte[])" second argument, not the first one, to identify classes.
  9. Vanilla enchantments are tested against the item's class. ItemSword for sword enchantments, ItemTool for tools'... If you don't use the right item class, you are on your own to fix it.
  10. This doesn't happen with IntellijIdea for some reason.
  11. No, you don't, as confirmed by your screenshot. Forge isn't in your "Forge" module (this is your naming, and it is inaccurate). It's in the external librairies. And those can be shared between projects without duplicate.
  12. Did you check that your item set your paintings entity ? Did you check that your paintings entity contains one of the paintings value ? Did you check that your paintings entity is being rendered with your renderer ? I shouldn't have to ask those questions only to get a useful error report.
  13. I am going to ask the obvious but... does the chest contain something ? Simple or double chest ?
  14. Yes, changing the method works. Calling it, not. What you want is changing the block to your own block, with world.setBlockId(x, y, z, newId); /----------------------------------------------------------/ public class ColoredBlock extends the-original-block-class{ @Override public int getColorMultiplier(){ return your-own-value-here } }
  15. Try running javac If that doesn't work, you need to set your java path variables.
  16. Your crash log says that the element in your blocksList array is null. But the real question is why do you make an array of 4096 elements, when you only want to change one block. Calling yourself Block#colorMultiplier isn't doing anything, by the way.
  17. Then what Draco18s said doesn't apply here. You should have a .gradle/ folder in your setup, check the log inside, it should explain what happened. If there is no error, post your build.gradle file.
  18. Do you use ForgeGradle, and did you follow any installation tutorial ?
  19. I'd guess the anvil could be a good place to look.
  20. carbyneoreID = config.getBlock("carbyneore", 9117).getInt(); "Suddenly" No joking. It's... over 9000 !
  21. this.dimensionId = 1; That is the End dimension id.
  22. Delete the Forge\.gradle\1.8\ folder. That should fix.
  23. Player is an interface added by forge to EntityPlayer. Casting is safe. Only one player on client: Minecraft#thePlayer
  24. return new ClankBackpackRender(); Well, you are creating a new model object each frame. That isn't really good.
  25. Then your build failed.
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