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Everything posted by GotoLink

  1. Old versions of Forge aren't compatible with Java 1.8. Choose a different version and try again.
  2. You can use World TickEvent and grow tall grass on random grass blocks.
  3. Obviously making a setter is pointless. You want to override a getter. Block#getCollisionBoundingBoxFromPool(World, int, int, int) and Block#getSelectedBoundingBoxFromPool(World, int, int, int) are probably what you'd like to use.
  4. It is always at 0 because you only set it at 0. Your BicycleJumpStrength attribute is also completely unused.
  5. The order in which you Container#addSlotToContainer is really important. You need to keep it in mind when writing #transferStackInSlot. In your current state, you are adding 36 slots from player inventory, then 1 "output slot", then 9 "input slots". But your tile entity has 17 item slots.
  6. You might be interested in ChunkDataEvent.Load.
  7. gradlew cleanCache
  8. It can, actually. Just look at .minecraft/versions/<some version>/someversion.json , it has a "libraries" tab. You may want to build an "installer" like Forge to automate this. Fortunately, Forge installer is open-source, so you don't have to think too much about it.
  9. You already choose (1D, 1D, 1D) as (rgb) values.
  10. In case you haven't learned it yet, that is not how @Mod is used. Look at the basic tutorials on the wiki. As for events, i recommend PlayerPickupXpEvent.
  11. Coremod are for advanced patching of Minecraft. What you describe is not a coremod. You are just spliting into modules, which is doable with no more knowledge than any other mod. Just move the built jar from the main mod into the folders of each modules, so that gradle will be able to built them.
  12. I see no question. Here is one for you: where is that "energy" stored ?
  13. Remove all the mods, then try again.
  14. Make an access transformer configuration file. ForgeGradle will pick it when setting the workspace and apply changes. You could also consider reflection, which is less troublesome.
  15. You can initialize your values in FMLPostInit event, and from the BiomeGenBase array, guess the "temperature" values from BiomeDictionary tags.
  16. You didn't put super call in onUpdate(). Nor in writeToNBT(NBTTagCompound) and readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound).
  17. Could be library issue. Try running from command line: sfc /scannow
  18. Thaumcraft was not supposed to touch that method. It is internal to Forge.
  19. Read the EAQ.
  20. You can add 'FMLAT: "yourFile_at.cfg"' to your META-INF/Manifest then, put the transformer config in the same folder. This way you don't have to make a LoadingPlugin and a coremod.
  21. net.minecraft.event package is in no way related to Forge or FML. Those are classes used in ChatStyle to make "click able" text.
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