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Everything posted by Cadiboo

  1. The one in the link is the crash report, not the latest.log My bad, I thought it was a single file gist
  2. Post the latest.log, it’s the next best thing
  3. Have you tried debugging your code?
  4. The official launcher is preferred, there really should be a log file at .minecraft/logs/debug.log
  5. Your code could be cleaned up a bit (you don’t really need set/getField), made more readable (extract logic to functions) and simplified (your hasCapability method) but it looks pretty good IMO
  6. Checking if 2 integers are equal (one of them being a constant) and incrementing an integer will have a negligible performance impact. It is probably more performance intensive to just call your subscribed method.
  7. There’s a tutorial out there somewhere on how to draw a sphere with GLStateManager, however it’s pretty bad for performance as it uses OpenGL instead of the BufferBuilder Heres a link, I’ll try and find the actual tutorial https://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding-java-edition/minecraft-mods/modification-development/2241469-creating-a-sphere
  8. Don’t use a tickable tile entity, you don’t need one, and using one in this case is horrible for performance. Are you syncing and serialising your data?
  9. Neither a tile entity nor ITickable is needed here, you can just override onNeighbourChanged. Edit: you may need to override hasTileEntity and return true, but still return null from createTileEntity (this is perfectly fine and doesn’t break anything) for onNeighbourChanged to fire for your block. Check without doing this first though
  10. Not sure what mod could be causing it. It could be any mod that modifies blockstates and/or blocks i.e. 95% of mods. It could happen if a mod accesses the minecraft world from another thread. From your crash it seems to happen when leaves are broken, and from you saying it’s random i think it might be from decay. I think that making a (void) test world and filling it with decayable leaves, then attaching a debugger to the server, putting a breakpoint at getDrops and turning up the random tick speed would be the best way to debug what makes the crash happen, unless I’m wrong about the cause of the crash. I don’t see a simple resolution to this issue (if it’s caused by what I think it is). You could try looking through the issues on the mods on the pack and seeing if it has already been reported to one of them. You should also try removing your coremods and seeing if that fixes your issue.
  11. You can’t access the player from another thread
  12. Why do you have “forge marker in there” show your BlockState json
  13. Don’t use names, use UUIDs, and you probably want to `break` on success
  14. You should use Structure Blocks to save your structures, and then load them with similar code. This provides user-customisability, code readability and solves your problem
  15. You need to rebind the textures that Minecraft expects to be in place, they can be found at GuiInGame and/or GuiInGameForge
  16. Required Java conventions What: Lowercase package naming Why: Some file systems (windows) considering “iTeMs” and “items” to be the same, but every other one considering them to be different. Consequences: Not doing this _may_ never cause any issues (and very likely won’t in your dev environment), but on other operating systems with different case-sensitivities from yours this can cause massive problems. How: Name your packages all in lowercase What: Packaging that reflects your web presence Why: Avoid name collisions - your web presence is unique so it is commonly used. Consequences: Errors loading classes with other mods installed, usually happens when 2 mods never changed their packaging from the default in the MDK. How: If you have an illegal character in your web presence, the convention is to replace it with “_”. If you don’t have a website, you can use your version-control repository as your web presence, e.g. “com.github.username”. If you don’t use version control, start using it! In the meantime you can use the packaging “mod.username.modid”. Do not use IInventory. Use the capability API with IItemHandler. Why? its legacy vanilla code, and bad at that. it also prevents you from having hoppers hopper-like machines, pipes etc. interface with your TileEntity, and breaks compatibility with other mods
  17. 1.8.9 is no longer supported on these forums due to its age (no-one knows how to make mods for it anymore) are you willing to update to 1.12.2 (if you aren't you won't receive support)
  18. Try updating your graphics drivers
  19. What forge version are you on? IIRC there was a bug with this, but I also think it's been patched
  20. This mod appears to be for 1.12.0, not 1.10.2 These mods appear to be for 1.9.4, not 1.10. Try removing your coremods, especially foamifx. That error shouldn't be possible
  21. Is the server "stuttering" (entities stopping then moving very fast, block-lag)? Or is the client "stuttering" (frames dropped, movement isn't smooth)
  22. Repo: https://github.com/Cadiboo/Squeezable-Cacti Recipe creation: https://github.com/Cadiboo/Squeezable-Cacti/blob/master/src/main/java/io/github/cadiboo/squeezablecacti/EventSubscriber.java#L33-L77 JSON Advancement: https://github.com/Cadiboo/Squeezable-Cacti/blob/master/src/main/resources/assets/squeezable-cacti/advancements/recipes/misc/minecraft_bucket_0-cacti_4.json
  23. It won't on the client?
  24. What happens when you disable the forge render pipeline in the forge config? If that doesn't fix it, find out what mod this entity is from (probably pixelmon) and report it to the mod author
  25. Those values are pretty good. Mean tick time should be under 50ms, there should be 20 ticks per second. What exactly do you mean by "lag"
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