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Everything posted by Cadiboo

  1. What are you trying to do with that code?
  2. Try the onProjectileImpact event maybe? You could also check the arrow code & possibly submit a PR to forge
  3. Thats the only reference to it I could find, I think its been changed in newer versions tho Edit: https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-31338 yeah, it was changed ages ago
  4. To change from render coordinates (on screen coordinates) to world coordinates (BlockPoss) you have to do some translations. This article explains it nicely https://www.quora.com/What-does-it-mean-by-world-and-world-coordinate-in-computer-graphics
  5. IIRC all projectiles are entities except for eggs
  6. https://github.com/Cadiboo/WIPTech/blob/fb5883e9d76ef0361ec1ebbcb9c508611dd2ef6b/src/main/java/cadiboo/wiptech/client/ClientEventSubscriber.java#L259 https://github.com/Cadiboo/WIPTech/blob/fb5883e9d76ef0361ec1ebbcb9c508611dd2ef6b/src/main/java/cadiboo/wiptech/client/ClientEventSubscriber.java#L265 https://github.com/Cadiboo/WIPTech/blob/fb5883e9d76ef0361ec1ebbcb9c508611dd2ef6b/src/main/java/cadiboo/wiptech/client/ClientEventSubscriber.java#L294 I don't see you doing any translating at all
  7. I think you want the PlayerInteractEvent.LeftClickEmpty and AttackEntityEvent events
  8. couldn't you iterate through the block registry in the registry event (after all other mods have run) and call Block#setUnbreakable on each entry?
  9. You might want to look at https://github.com/Cadiboo/WIPTech/blob/fb5883e9d76ef0361ec1ebbcb9c508611dd2ef6b/src/main/java/cadiboo/wiptech/client/ClientEventSubscriber.java#L228 and https://github.com/Cadiboo/WIPTech/blob/fb5883e9d76ef0361ec1ebbcb9c508611dd2ef6b/src/main/java/cadiboo/wiptech/client/ClientEventSubscriber.java#L358. Notice that I do some stuff to get the render position, which I then use for translations to be at the right position for my in-world rendering
  10. Its a great concept, but it was appallingly implemented, has a horrible EULA and results in horrible & messed up code (that can easily break other mods & prevents forge from adding reloadable mods)
  11. And trial & error, Minecraft isn't anywhere near open-source, so no documentation. You might want to take a look at https://github.com/Cadiboo/Example-Mod, It's even got some rendering stuff already in there
  12. You might want to take a look at https://github.com/Cadiboo/Example-Mod. As far as I can see, your doing pretty much everything "wrong" (against conventions, forge specifications etc.)
  13. Look at how structure blocks do it. IIRC those methods would be all that is required
  14. what if the compound doesn't have the "color" integer? Why aren't these @Overrides? Where are you actually calling the sync from? This is pretty much just another bunch of reasons to use seperate blocks
  15. You should make your own thread. You need to do interpolation using the partialTicks parameter
  16. send your code and the error
  17. Stop even if you do know how it works You should start from scratch & then bring some of the old code in once you have good understanding of modding. I've just ported a very rendering intensive mod from 1.7.10 -> 1.12.2 and I'm a little experienced in it (world rendering particularly) so pm me on discord if you have any questions @Cadiboo#8887
  18. compile files('libs/ this is done automatically for you, thats why the /libs/ folder exists
  19. You might want to look at how forges config GUI handles it
  20. You’ve kinda solved your own problem in the title, understand what happens when minecraft draws name tags, then make your own implementation. I believe the code for it is in EntityRenderer#renderLabel
  21. What do you want to achieve, from an end user perspective?
  22. Reflection. how exactly depends on the API and what you’re using it for
  23. What exactly are you trying to do? From an end-user persective
  24. You would use the block pos you would get to get the tile entity at that pos, check if it’s yours & get the data from it. However, with the ID limit expansion in 1.13 I would just use seperate blocks (not seperate classes) for each colour the way shulker boxes do it (with an enum). Meta is great for facing, but you shouldnt be using a TE for something like this as you can avoid all the overhead of it by just using multiple blocks
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