I’m pretty sure someone already ported it. You can use MCP to find the changed mappings on espernet or on discord.
The Block+Mets system was changed to the BlockState system in 1.8. Also models & everything related to rendering changed
Can you tell us what java versions you have installed? On Mac they are stored in /Library/Java/Java Virtual Machines/
and what is your JAVA_HOME variable set to?
That would be great
Have you tried looking at the other mod and seeing if they post it on the client & server?
What’s the other mod?
I assume you mean EventSubscribers?
You can set the light map coordinates with the GLStateManager. Take a look at
lightmap coordinates are between 0-240, for both skylight and blocklight. You can convert a light value (from a block) that is between 0-15 to this scale with a left bit shift by 4 (<< 4). You can get the light nap coords of a block from it’s packed lightmap coords with bitshifting right by 16 (>>16) and anding (&) with 0xFFFF to get the upper 4 bytes for skylight and just anding (&) with 0xFFFF to get the lower 4 bytes for blocklight.
You can’t. You want registry overrides. What you could do is run your registration after all others and wrap all the instances in the registry with your own class that only changes that specific function and redirects all other calls to a delegate.
That example doesn’t have smooth lighting, if you have a baker model your can just pass it the the BlockRendererDispatcher or the BlockModelRenderer and have it take care of actually rendering the model
Please don’t use MCreator, it’s a good concept but it’s horribly written and the code it generates is horrible & breaks everything easily.
Take a look at this
I think you probably want onEntityWalk. I can’t see anything obviously wrong with your code (Your potion effect looks a bit odd, but I have no experience with potions), but you can’t change the signature of a method & still override it, that’s not how it works
Your JVMs are stored in
/Library/Java/Java Virtual Machines/
I think. You don’t have to delete your newest java, you can just set your JAVA_HOME to use java 8, but IMO deleting other Javas is the cleanest solution