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Everything posted by Alpvax

  1. The IntelliJ shortcut to search is CTRL + N (by default)
  2. Why are you implementing Supplier? (Also, you should include the generic type of Supplier). You probably want to add a getter for a specific player. something like the following: public DefaultStatsCapability getStats(UUID playerID) { // Bear in mind this can return null if the player stats have not been added yet. // You might want to use computeIfAbsent instead. return players.get(playerID); } Then wherever you need the DefaultStatsCapability (for example in your book update function), get your instance of StatsManager, then get the DSC from it using the new getter. A) This will crash on servers (which is where loading and saving of data occurs) B) What is this for? All the players should be saved in the map.
  3. Whatever you used to have attached to each player (only now it doesn't need to be a capability). All the stuff you want to display in the book
  4. Yes, I think that is linked to the player's GameProfile, so should never change. The same way you attach the capability to the player, but just attach a capability with a Map<player id, your current player capability data> to the overworld Level instead of attaching the data to the player directly. Then when you want to modify the data, get the capability from the overworld (which is always loaded) and get the data for the player with the given id. Alternatively, you could use Saved Data (which used to be WorldSavedData), again using the overworld to access the player data. That way it doesn't matter if the player is offline, because the data is saved to the overworld, so you just need to look up the data for the player by player id.
  5. What do you mean? that you want the player to be able to have creative style flying when you activate an item? Or more like how fireworks work with elytra? You need to override Item#useOn (for using on a block) or Item#use (for using the item on air (and possibly blocks with no right click action, I can't really remember)). For the first approach, you need to set Player#getAbilities().mayfly to true (mojmap mappings). Remember to set it back to false when you want to stop. For the second approach, you need to get the current Player#getDeltaMovement(), add a vec3 to it (either just a y component for straight up, or based on the Player#getViewVector() for "forwards")
  6. I assumed that was what you wanted. Currently you get the capability of the player opening the book: @SubscribeEvent public void onUse(PlayerInteractEvent.RightClickItem event) { PlayerEntity player = event.getPlayer(); ... You need to use the player who "owns" the book instead. So store the "owner's" id in the book somehow (NBT/capablility), then when the book is opened, get the player from the id (they may not exist/be offline, in which case you can't reasonably update), then update the data. It might be a better idea to change to a level (overworld) capability / saveddata if you need to access the data for offline players, then retrieve that data for displaying in your book. As die7 says, it will probably be better to create a custom gui (based on the vanilla book screen, you can possibly subclass it, although I'm not sure), then retrieve the latest data on demand, rather than updating the item nbt each time.
  7. Yes, that is what I am saying. Remove the old code (from the storage / default factory, which no longer exists) and put it in the Capability Provider directly.
  8. What? You use StatusProvider exactly the same way you did before (attaching it in the AttachCapabilitiesEvent). The only thing you change is in your StatusProvider, you move the old code from your CapabilityRegistry.register(cap_class, storage, default_factory) and put the code from the storage class inside your StatusProvider save/load methods, and the code from your default_factory inside your LazyOptional. Literally just getting rid of the stuff that no longer exists and calling it directly, instead of through the capability.
  9. You don't create an instance of the `Capability` class, that is still handled behind the scenes (and the `@CapabilityInject` annotation still works as before). Where you called `Capability#getDefaultInstance()` before, just create your new instance (of your Capability type, i.e. `new Status()`). Where you called your Storage class methods (from your Capability Provider), just move your saving/loading stuff directly into those methods of your `StatusProvider`.
  10. If you have installed the JDK and are still having issues, make sure you set the JAVA_HOME environment variable, or point to the correct location (of the JDK, not the JRE) in your IDE.
  11. No, I actually meant PlayerInteractEvent.RightClickItem, books don't count as being "used" I don't think
  12. I'm assuming that it is just a vanilla book with custom NBT, not your own custom item? If that is the case you could listen to the use item event (sorry, I can't remember the name of it off the top of my head), check for the book being used (opened) and sync the data with the item.
  13. Make a method which has the parameters that change (name, colour etc.) and perform the datagen logic inside that method. You can even have a method which generates each of the blocks (regular cube, wall, stairs etc.) for a single name. Unfortunately I don't have a good example of datagen as the mod I am working on using it for uses either simple cubes or a custom model loader. When I was learning how to use the datagen I spent a lot of time looking through the source and IIRC Tropicraft was my starting point, although I cannot remember what that was like.
  14. The book is still rendered in a BlockEntityRenderer, not a json model. That means that the only thing you can change is the texture, which you can find in the minecraft.jar file at the path "assets/minecraft/textures/entity/enchanting_table_book.png" (use any program that handles .zip files to open the jar and extract the texture).
  15. You could look into how commands handle finding and filtering entities, and either use the same method, or call the required methods. The class which handles it is net.minecraft.command.arguments.EntitySelector
  16. The `dayTime` value is set by the command, so you could listen for the command event, check the daytime before, subtract it from the daytime after (wait 1 tick to get the "after" time) and add that difference to your offset if you wanted. It depends how accurate you want to be. Alternatively, when your offset changes, you could check the difference between `gameTime` and `dayTime` (you would then have to track a second offset to check when it changes, but it might give you a bit more accuracy). I meant that you should just save the offset, as poopoodice suggested
  17. 1,2: It depends exactly what you are after. I would recommend using WorldTickEvent, and saving the time in a capability attached to the world. If you want to track each dimension independently, use the specific world#getGameTime, otherwise just use the overworld (using specific worlds the time will only increment when the world is loaded). 1&2: I would suggest listening to ServerTickEvent (with Phase END), and keeping the data attached to a capability attached to the Overworld. you can get the time using overworld#getGameTime. To keep track of time sleeping, subscribe to SleepFinishedTimeEvent (at EventPriority.LOWEST to run after all other listeners) and add the time difference. 3: packets, it depends what you need on the client. If it is just for rendering in a GUI, you could use a containerscreen to sync it, otherwise I believe you will need packets (sent whenever the offset between gametime and your gametime + sleeptime changes. 4: Yes, but the sleep event is only fired on the server, so you will have to manually sync your offset. 5: Yes, all worlds other than the Overworld use a DerivedWorldInfo, which just passes both times through from the overworld info. (I didn't realise this until I just looked).
  18. Why? What are you trying to achieve? I'm fairly sure your mod is already a resource pack, the only thing is that you can't disable it in the GUI.
  19. It sounds like there is a difference between the NBT data of the different stacks. You should be able to use the vanilla /data command: https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Commands/data to find any differences. It might be a bit of work trawling through the data (I would recommend only having the 2 stacks in an empty inventory).
  20. Please don't use a white font. Not all of us use a dark theme, and it looked like a blank post at first.
  21. Maybe post an image during the day so the armour can actually be seen? Also, we will need your rendering code to be able to debug it.
  22. I would rather not use "decorative_blocks" because that doesn't really say what they are, and people may start adding other "decorative" blocks into the tag. Maybe "small_storage_blocks" or "storage_blocks_2x2" or something similar would be better. As for the actual blocks, there are more than just quartz and copper which would fall into the 2x2 tag: Glowstone Clay Snow Honeycomb Honey (reversible, but requires 4 glass bottles) Magma Cream Quartz Copper (reversible, but I think only if the block isn't weathered?) Amethyst Sandstone (possibly? It's a bit different being block -> block, but follows the same irreversible principle). Prismarine (has both a 3x3 "prismarine_bricks" and a 2x2 "prismarine" recipe. Both are irreversible). Purpur (probably not, the recipe produces 4 blocks, so more of a conversion like the various stone types).
  23. You're missing part of the item name in 6 of the last 7 entries in your loot table
  24. You're trying to create a new instance, but not calling a constructor. Get rid of the "new" keyword.
  25. Is this now preferred to using ObjectHolder? Or has this approach superceded ObjectHolder?
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