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Everything posted by Beethoven92

  1. What he said ^^^ plus, why don't you update your mappings? Also you will find this page useful: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14knNUYjYkKkGpW9VTyjtlhaCTUsPWRJ91GLOFX2d23Q/edit#gid=721555859
  2. Show again your package explorer...again, the name of the folder should be assets...are using assest now? It is still wrong
  3. Since your blocks are not full blocks you also need to setup their voxel shapes properly, otherwise the game will think that you have a full block and will not render the sides that it assumes to be not visible
  4. Try removing the mod that is causing problems then...the absence of custom main menu won't affect your gameplay. See if you are able to run the game without this mod
  5. Thats the problem, you need to change it to assets ...in your folder name there are too many 's'
  6. Oh well, if it was a typing mistake, then to solve your other issues just follow what Danebi suggested above ^^^
  7. Someone in your old topic on the same argument gave you the solution to that...go take a look..anyway a ToIntFunction just represent a function that returns an int value..
  8. As far as i know it requires a ToIntFunction<BlockState>
  9. Isn't the function func_235838_a_, setLightLevel with newer mappings? If so, i don't really think it requires an IPositionPredicate at all..are you sure you are looking at the right function?
  10. Your IDE lets you look at parameters requested by functions right? So, what parameter is the function asking for?
  11. You are pointing to a texture called ruby in your ruby.json, but your texture is actually called pubg
  12. Do you mean so that when its toggled, it just stays always in that state? just use the value of your boolean property then...the first time the block gets toggled your boolean property will become true (or false, depends on the default value you set before)..you have to make it so that the next time it won't toggle if the boolean property has already changed
  13. I think you should post this issue directly under the apposite section in the mod's site/curseforge page?
  14. The fact is that Item#onBlockDestroyed gets called before the block is actually removed from the world, so you are basically changing a blockstate which is set to air immediatly after, nullifying your changes. You need to use either Item#onBlockStartBreak and make it return true, or just listen to the BlockEvent.BreakEvent, set the blockstate you want, and cancel the event.
  15. Tecnically he already answered that..to receive support on this forum you have to update your mod to a newer version of forge but..if you really want to keep writing for 1.12 your best sources are: 1) Vanilla code 2) The tons of open source 1.12 mods that you can easily look into, because chances are high that another mod has already done something similar you can take inspiration from...also "tutorial" or "example mods" around the web you can get some help from
  16. With the current mappings you have, the function is called getKnockbackResistance() ...you just need to add that one, and override it (@Override)
  17. The correct name for your mappings would be: 20200723-1.16.1
  18. What's your current mappings version?
  19. You are absolutely right, but still inside the event i would check if the last position of the ItemEntity of the type i want (eg. potato) was inside a fire block...so i don't really see how this could eventually fail..the condition for the cooked item to spawn is pretty strict, unless i am missing something very obvious..
  20. Nothing, it will just stay here for other people to see, if they have the same problem
  21. How would you clear all the features of one type without first extracting them from a biome? You can access biomes features through Biome#getFeatures since each biome defines its own set of features. Also i believe emerald ore needs a special case since its generation uses a ReplaceBlockConfig, not an OreFeatureConfig
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