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Everything posted by Luis_ST

  1. Which file are you talking about. Post installer log.
  2. Please post debug.log from the logs folder.
  3. Make sure you are using the latest version of Blue Skies. If the Mod is already up to date, talk to the Mod author.
  4. the folder is in your Game directory Note if you using CurseForge you need to look into the CurseForge folder and you need to enable the debug.log in the settings
  5. Please post debug.log from the logs folder.
  6. Then you need to remove these Mods or you need to downgrade Forge to version 41.0.63.
  7. Guns Without Roses and Meet Your Fight needs to update to the recent breaking changes of Forge. Check if there are updated versions.
  8. Why are you doing this so complicated? you can simply call Mob#setDropChance with EquipmentSlot#MAINHAND and EquipmentSlot#OFFHAND and the value you want, if you wish a guaranteed drop you can also call Mob#setGuaranteedDrop
  9. Please post debug.log from the logs folder.
  10. Optifine is a client side mod, remove it from the server.
  11. Please post debug.log from the logs folder.
  12. I would not recommend you to use Mods like Sodium, since the most magic performance Mods increase the game performance due breaking of game mechanics. This can cause problems with other Mods
  13. This code is only called on client, if you want to execute the code on server only you need to check: !event.getLevel().isClientSide() I Personally, keep this side check, since if there are changes in Forge or the Event is called by another mod somewhere you don't get any issues. do not execute any code on client just ignore it: if (!event.getLevel().isClientSide()) { // do your stuff here }
  14. use this, if you're playing on a DedictaedServer you have the Dist DEDICATED_SERVER, if you're playing in Singleplayer you also have a Server an IntegratedServer which has not the Dist DEDICATED_SERVER read the javadoc of the Event
  15. This is a file on your computer we can not access to it. You can use https://imgur.com/ for images.
  16. Please post debug.log from server and client.
  17. In the log you post the game does not crash, but there is an GL error this could be an issue with your graphic driver. Make sure it's up to date.
  18. did you add the FTB Chunks as an gradle dependency?
  19. Please post debug.log from the logs folder.
  20. Are you sure the Optifine version you are using is compatible with the Forge version you are using? if yes which exact Optifine and Forge version are you using? This should not be related to Optifine, since Optifine is a client side render Mod as far as i know they do not modify the client key and mouse input, and entities are damaged server side only. Please post debug.log from the logs folder.
  21. Did you use FTB Chunks as an required dependencies?
  22. why would you use commands for this? PlayerList#getOps -> ServerOpList#remove with Player#getGameProfile and Player#moveTo do the same thing for you without any hacky code
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